I feel like chopping it all off!


New Member
Hey all!!! I know its been a while, but a sista has been super busy! Anywho I am at the breaking point again! I am at the point where I wanna chop all my hair off into a really short style so I don't have to deal with lol! Don't get me wrong I like having BSL hair and it is still growing and healthy.

The problem is, my bangs are now growing out and I am having a hard time trying to figure out what to do with it! Lately I have been putting 4 flexi rods in at night and then in the morning I pull all the curls to one side and pin it. While this is cute it's just not what I want! I love the old aliyah style, but my hair just looks eh!

If I don't cut my hair I would like to get highlights again and get it layered, but keep the longest length at BSL! How are you ladies feeling about highlights?

O.K. done rambling! Please help a sista out!
Hey Shady Love your coupon vids!!

okay back to the issue the issue at hand

Bangs are always a pain when growing them out.

Dont do highlights right now if you are tired of your hair. Double processed hair needs almost double the attention. With how you are feeling you may not give it the attention it deserves. you can always get clip ins for a change.

If you want layers get slight ones to see how you feel about them.

No more wigs please and you know why :)
I want to ask how come you just don't cut the bangs back to where you liked them? If that is the only thing that is giving you a problem. If you are just feeling lazy right now like she said clips ins or something else that will give you what you like without touching your hair.
If you don't wanna deal with your hair or styling and stuff, how do you feel about hiding your hair? I've been putting my hair in braids (no extensions) and hiding it under a satin scarf and hat (have to for work--blessing and a curse) for months and I miss messing with my hair. But I remember a time when I was jumping from style to style and in between styles was the worst! I felt so lost and then the bad hair days start....anyway, hiding my hair away for awhile is a nice break. HTH.
What about making a clip in bang? You could remove it daily,keep up with your reggie and it would immediately get your bangs out of that weird stage.

I know nothing about highlights, so yeah....

But at the same time if you wanna cut go ahead.

If you need help making a clip in bang, I could help you.

Let us know what you decide Shady.
Put down thaa scissors Shady! Put down tha scissors!:lol: I know it's easy to say, but hard to do.:wave::wink2:
What about making a clip in bang? You could remove it daily,keep up with your reggie and it would immediately get your bangs out of that weird stage.

I know nothing about highlights, so yeah....

But at the same time if you wanna cut go ahead.

If you need help making a clip in bang, I could help you.

Let us know what you decide Shady.

You are going to have to teach me about this clip in bang!!! I want bangs but I don't want to cut my hair.

shadylane21: if you do highlights just make sure you don't slack off in your hair care. Highlights can be really damaging especially if you are already relaxed. A friend of mine who had very healthy hair ended up with some pretty damaged hair from getting highlights.
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