I doubt no more....he is here!


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,

I have been going through a difficult time in my life. Sometimes I feel as if I can't function.

I have been on my knees begging, crying to the Lord to hear me.

He says "Do you trust me"
I say "Yes"
He says "Then Wait"

I hear this and I am not soothed. I don't understand if this is me or him. Every night I cry and beg for him to take away the pain in my life.

He says "Do you trust me"
I say "Yes"
He says "Then wait"

For what I say? Please let me know for what? Is this the voice of God I question myself. Please...Please give me a sign. I walked over to my bible and said, " I will open it to any page..the page it falls on will tell me that you are here...please let me know it is you"

I did this. .. with hopes it would fall on a scripture that answered my prayers. It did not.
As I cried and begged the Lord again to help me; in my anger I threw the Bible off to the side of the bed. As I did this a small piece of paper fell out. It read

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint"

He is here ladies. I doubt no more. I will wait and allow his will to be done.
I am glad for you, it is so hard to understand the waiting in the midst of the pain. The pain can get big that you can forget how big God is, and that he is there and he has provided for every contingency in your life, that He loves and cares for you and that your pain is real to Him. Thank you for sharing this as I am in a similar place.

He is definitely here and right there with you! Sounds to me as though the Lord is spiritually developing you into discerning His voice, and has confirmed it by showing you His Word. Sometimes the Lord allows for us to go through a period in our lives where he develops us in the fruits of the Spirit of joy, peace, longsuffering, patience etc. I know for me that it was a time where he moved me from knowing of Him to knowing Him personally. That period has brought me to a place now where I know that I know that my Redeemer lives and that Jesus is real. Now I continue to pray for His strength and also asking Him to order my steps that He may use me for His kingdom and good pleasure. We cannot just confess with our mouths but we must believe in our hearts that His word is THE truth. When you know it in your heart, you won't get frustrated with Him because by then we would have seen that He has our backs and answered our prayers. It is when we are weak that He is strong. This moment of weakness and vulnerability that you are having at this time, will be used as God's prime opportunity to show you that He is your strength so that only He can get the Glory for the blessings that WILL come in your life. It is not an easy place to be, but keep pressing in by trusting and believing in Him, continuing to read His Word, and most importantly praising Him. I never knew how important a Praise unto God was until I was in the valley. With all that said my Sis He will show you that He is faithful. Wait upon the Lord, be of good courage and He will guide and strengthen your heart; Wait, I say on the Lord! (Psalm 27:14)
When I can't stand anymore I call onto him. And at times Satan plants a doubt.

But I trust him. Even when I deny him it is him... he brings me back to trust.
His voice is kind and give no explanations, no reason, no whys. This I know is Satan.
Satan gives excuses as to why we should, how when.

I have no doubt this is the Lord. He is always gentle in his word and it comes unexpectedly.
I realize that my waiting is hard because I was waiting for others to answer.
It is not others that I need to wait on. It is him.
Your testimony is encouraging to me. I've been in waiting but I keep hearing "help is on the way".

God keeps His promises and always comes through so rest in His word for you. Sometimes you just have to 'labor' to enter into that rest because the world, your flesh and the devil seem to play tag team sometimes to keep you shaking, feed you fear and destroy the faith you need to hold on. I've offered up a prayer for you. I believe you will soar like the eagle indeed.
Hello ladies,

I have been going through a difficult time in my life. Sometimes I feel as if I can't function.

I have been on my knees begging, crying to the Lord to hear me.

He says "Do you trust me"
I say "Yes"
He says "Then Wait"

I hear this and I am not soothed. I don't understand if this is me or him. Every night I cry and beg for him to take away the pain in my life.

He says "Do you trust me"
I say "Yes"
He says "Then wait"

For what I say? Please let me know for what? Is this the voice of God I question myself. Please...Please give me a sign. I walked over to my bible and said, " I will open it to any page..the page it falls on will tell me that you are here...please let me know it is you"

I did this. .. with hopes it would fall on a scripture that answered my prayers. It did not.
As I cried and begged the Lord again to help me; in my anger I threw the Bible off to the side of the bed. As I did this a small piece of paper fell out. It read

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint"

He is here ladies. I doubt no more. I will wait and allow his will to be done.

Beautiful ! Absolutely Beautiful! :rosebud:

Thank you so much for sharing this; for surely God is most surely 'with us'. Praise His wonderful name, 'Our' Jesus. Amen.
I am glad for you, it is so hard to understand the waiting in the midst of the pain. The pain can get big that you can forget how big God is, and that he is there and he has provided for every contingency in your life, that He loves and cares for you and that your pain is real to Him. Thank you for sharing this as I am in a similar place.


You've shared something here which is so profound.

"The pain", while waiting. That's what makes waiting so hard... the pain, the discomfort, and the fear that comes with it, and that what produces, doubt, uncertainity, 'fainting' in faith.

But His word, arises within us and we mount up with wings 'AS' eagles...

Now, 'THAT's' a wing spread, the eagles wings. It stretches out into a span of 7 to 9 feet or more. Imagine the power of the wings God 'gives' us. For as we mount up with wings as eagles, we can soar through the pain, high and above the peaks of the mountains, and soaring above them, shout to the mountains, "Be thou removed"....

When something hurts... our wings take us above it. :giveheart:
You've shared something here which is so profound.

"The pain", while waiting. That's what makes waiting so hard... the pain, the discomfort, and the fear that comes with it, and that what produces, doubt, uncertainity, 'fainting' in faith.

But His word, arises within us and we mount up with wings 'AS' eagles...

Now, 'THAT's' a wing spread, the eagles wings. It stretches out into a span of 7 to 9 feet or more. Imagine the power of the wings God 'gives' us. For as we mount up with wings as eagles, we can soar through the pain, high and above the peaks of the mountains, and soaring above them, shout to the mountains, "Be thou removed"....

When something hurts... our wings take us above it. :giveheart:

I know he plans to help me soar above the storm. He won't take it away..but I won't get lost in it either.

Thank you ladies
It seems like every thread I read on the Christian forum has a message for me today, especially this one.

Thank you for sharing your experience. You have allowed God to bless others through you.
Beautiful thread! If only you could see what God has in store for you! Just keep on waiting on Him, the bible says that those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). I pray that God gives you the strength to get through this sacred time that He is working in you and preparing you for what He has in store for you :giveheart:
That's why God wants us to spend time with Him; so that we will learn to know His Voice. What an awesome post. Learning to wait is a growing experience for us, the more we grow, the less we will question God.
As I read the last bit, my whole body had goosebumps andtears in my eyes. He may not answer when you call, but he's always on time. God bless you.