I don'teven know what to call it - but Gods doing his thing


New Member
Ok, to some a long story up i was talkingto my ex/friend ad we didn't talk for a long time until now. Ive beensaved nearly a year (a year november 20th!!! :) :D;)) And ive been speaking about God so hard to him its unbeleivable, and even though there been tension i'd even invite him to my church, as far as im concerned its about God not us. Anyways yesterday i walked passed his house and said hi, then he invited me in, the normal Crissi would say no, besides i was trying to get home. But i came in and we was talking about various things, even finally getting things off are chests in regards to each other, but then i started to talk about God on various levels and how he would give him everything he ever needed and wanted, if he just accepted God.

Now at first he was like "i want to be selfish can't i just pray for my family. and myself and my education".. anywhoo i never klet the conversation stop, he was even asking my tricky questions, and i found a way to answer them. He's very sturrborn and what not but he started to break revealing his fears about spirituality and Jesus coming back, which lead me to the anti chirst. Before all this i mentioned the Christian Glow (you know when you see a christian, or they see you and you just see "something about them", and then you find out there a christian and your like ohhh it makes sence :cool: ). Anyways he said that he didn't see it in me or ANY christian he has ever met. However as soon as i started talking about the antichirst and the fulfilling (sp) of prophecies and the revalations, it all changed, his face changed everything changed his eyes started to water up, then he said

"Im scared, and im even more scared because as soon as you started to mention all these things which i can see happening in the world i started to feel funny, and just start to cry, and then i seen you glow, your actually glowing... its scaring me"

And then he was like "what time do you go church???!!!!!, what time are you leaving out?! im coming with you on sunday"

LADIES!!!! I was like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh im so happy!!!! after a year he's taking a step, and i feel so blessed that God's using me as that person who can just talk/minister to people like that, he has just blessed, blessed, blessed me, and he's been doing a lot of that recently like last friday when me and this Christian woman, who's been saved 30 yrs was some what lost, and i wasn't good at all, i fell off the straight and narrow, and God put us both in that situation to help each other!!

Im so happy that he is coming to church so so so happy i just want to jump around and smile andawwww ladies i hope you feel me!, sorry for the rambling!!!

BTW: What is this "glow" he was refferring to, can people actually see it?, what does it mean?
Crissi said:
"LADIES!!!! I was like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh im so happy!!!! after a year he's taking a step, and i feel so blessed that God's using me as that person who can just talk/minister to people like that, he has just blessed, blessed, blessed me, and he's been doing a lot of that recently like last friday when me and this Christian woman, who's been saved 30 yrs was some what lost, and i wasn't good at all, i fell off the straight and narrow, and God put us both in that situation to help each other!!

That is soooo wonderful! May God continue to bless you so you can be a blessing to others!
Wow! God is doing His thing! What a wonderful story, that your friend sees the Holy Spirit's presence and wants it too now!:)

I have a friend who I found out has recently come to the Lord as well. It's been a very rocky road and he's been at the bottom, recently. But I pray with Jesus things will be going up for him soon.

This friend never wanted to accept Jesus before. He'd tell me, Christians are hypocrites, the whole nine yards. But he sees (hopefully) something different in our family (God is praised) and now he wants to try for this too. So I pray that your buddy will hear the message preached and will make that all important sep on his very own.
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