"I don't want you to pray for me"

Would you discourage someone from praying for you?

  • Yes, I don't let just anyone speak on my life/over me

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Yes, it's not to offend; just a personal preference

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Yes, it could be a curse!

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • No, doesn't bother me

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • No, I think it's a rude and uncaring thing to say

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
It's sometimes preceded by "No offense, but..."

What are your thoughts/experiences? Is there really a difference between a prayer request and an unsolicited move to offer prayer on someone's behalf?
As long at the prayer is positive I will take prayer where I can get it from whomever as long as it is something positive. I have friends that are from all faiths and all walks of life if they want to pray for me and my family for health and happiness I am all for it
I love it when people offer to pray for me, so long as its scriptural and beneficial I don't correct them. However sometimes I'll pray against certain prayers because I don't like everybody speaking things into my life. I'll pray for people even when they say "don't pray for me" umm my job is to pray so telling me not to do it is not going to really change my mind. :ohwell: In fact, it would probably make me more inclined to pray for you. However while doing so I ask the Holy Spirit for His guidance to remove myself from the prayer.
I respect people's wishes. I would certainly hope people would respect mines. The bible does say "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
As long as it is to Jesus, I'm fine with it.

I can't say that it really bothers me if someone prays to another 'god' for/about me. I trust that Christ is strong enough to trump any other prayer someone may offer on my behalf. :)
I have no problem with others praying for me as long as they are sincere. Prayers of the righteous availeth much so I most definitely want the prayers of others that are alignment with God.

Other times people can use "I'll pray for you" in a sarcastic way and there is no real intention behind their words. The statement can be used to hurt and demean another person. Those type of people can keep their ungodly "prayers".
Hi, Tasha,

That's an interesting comment... how are we to know the sincerity of someone's offer to pray???

It's unfortunate someone's effort to reach out can be seen as sarcastic or even not well-received, but sometimes I think it's the perception of the receiver? Maybe I'm reaching here.

Prayer to me is instantaneous...I try not to say "I will pray for you" because it's a commitment I have to fulfill. If I do, I'm commited to pray that prayer. But I prefer to pray then and there and move on, lest I forget to put that person up in prayer later. Sometimes I pray anyway without saying anything...

Be encouraged... :yep:

I have no problem with others praying for me as long as they are sincere. Prayers of the righteous availeth much so I most definitely want the prayers of others that are alignment with God.

Other times people can use "I'll pray for you" in a sarcastic way and there is no real intention behind their words. The statement can be used to hurt and demean another person. Those type of people can keep their ungodly "prayers".
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It's sometimes preceded by "No offense, but..."

What are your thoughts/experiences? Is there really a difference between a prayer request and an unsolicited move to offer prayer on someone's behalf?

Well, one thing I have learned is that if someone has a disagreement with you then they will become defensive and say things like, "Oh, don't pray for me." I think it comes with spiritual maturity to know that you can't stop someone else from praying but even as the enemy may try, we know that our enemies that try to rise up against us will be defeated before our face. They will come out one way to attack and flee before us 7 ways.

But having a "white" witch come up and say, "Let me pray for you," and you letting is not profitable because it is walking in the counsel of the ungodly. But for someone to tell another brother or sister in Christ, "Don't pray for me," is like...wow!

I love it when people offer to pray for me, so long as its scriptural and beneficial I don't correct them. However sometimes I'll pray against certain prayers because I don't like everybody speaking things into my life. I'll pray for people even when they say "don't pray for me" umm my job is to pray so telling me not to do it is not going to really change my mind. :ohwell: In fact, it would probably make me more inclined to pray for you. However while doing so I ask the Holy Spirit for His guidance to remove myself from the prayer.

One thing that I learned is that even if a person, pehaps a witch trys to speak things into your life...they will be null and void. Also, curses don't fall if they are unwaranted so even though I would not like a Satanist praying against me...I can't stop it. Perhaps I could go in prayer and ask God to stop them from praying against me but in all respect, I rest on the fact that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and that I have authority given by God to condemn every tongue that rises up against me in judgment.

I also feel what you are saying when God removes you from praying for a person and for me, this rarely happens. There are times I will ask The Holy Spirit about certain people, some on here and others in real life and He will simply say, "Pray for her" and that's what I have to do. I know that some people are turned over to a reprobate mind or nature and some are doomed to hell but I've never heard The Holy Spirit tell me not to pray for someone.

The closest thing to the "do unto others" phrase often used by many is Matthew 7:12 and this is the context in which the phrase was stated. In this scripture we have Jesus asking that why would you give bad gifts when someone specifically asks for a good gift? You yourself would want a good gift, so do that to someone else. More importantly, anyone can take this scripture out of context and twist it saying, "Well, since I feel this or that, even though it may be wrong...I'm going to do this to that person." We all know how Satan trys to take scripture out of context and could actually convince someone who wants to be killed that it's okay to kill someone else in the midst of their distress, because "Hey, do unto others what you would have them to unto you..right?"

I think this commandment is perfectly how we should treat each other:

John 13:34 (New International Version)

34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

What an astounding love even when we don't realize it. There are going to be people along the way in spiritual bondage and some that just don't know we are sincere in loving them, that say, "Don't pray for me." But yet, we are told to love them as Jesus loved us.

Ask, Seek, Knock

7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
9"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! 12So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

I typed out my response and then my system crashed :ohwell: I am not going to go back and try to retype everything but my statement was misunderstood.

You be encourged as well.

Hi, Tasha,

That's an interesting comment... how are we to know the sincerity of someone's offer to pray???

It's unfortunate someone's effort to reach out can be seen as sarcastic or even not well-received, but sometimes I think it's the perception of the receiver? Maybe I'm reaching here.

Prayer to me is instantaneous...I try not to say "I will pray for you" because it's a commitment I have to fulfill. If I do, I'm commited to pray that prayer. But I prefer to pray then and there and move on, lest I forget to put that person up in prayer later. Sometimes I pray anyway without saying anything...

Be encouraged... :yep:
I don't think that someone else's prayer will trump G-d's will for your own life. Whatever He allows will happen and whatever He doesn't allow will not happen.
I don't mind if others want to pray for me, what I have learned over the last few months is that many people tend to pray right then and there and that is my desire. I desire to pray right then and there with the person who has asked me to pray for them. As well as if I ask someone to pray for me. I learned that in the SDA church. They tend to pray often. I mean I don't think in my life time I seen a group of people pray so often its mind blowing. Its long its not boring its wonderful its straight to the point and has taught me to pray about everything. In terms of people praying for me no problem if they believe it will happen for me then it will. Matt22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
OK... whatever it was, it would've been well-received! :yep:

Have a blessed Fourth weekend....


I typed out my response and then my system crashed :ohwell: I am not going to go back and try to retype everything but my statement was misunderstood.

You be encourged as well.
This is true....we wrestle not against flesh/blood.

I think it comes with spiritual maturity to know that you can't stop someone else from praying but even as the enemy may try, we know that our enemies that try to rise up against us will be defeated before our face. They will come out one way to attack and flee before us 7 ways.

...Amen. I also agree with those who feel that God will trump any prayer that is not in our favor or aimed for harm. Very well said

But having a "white" witch come up and say, "Let me pray for you," and you letting is not profitable because it is walking in the counsel of the ungodly. But for someone to tell another brother or sister in Christ, "Don't pray for me," is like...wow!

One thing that I learned is that even if a person, pehaps a witch trys to speak things into your life...they will be null and void.
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That's an interesting comment... how are we to know the sincerity of someone's offer to pray???

It's unfortunate someone's effort to reach out can be seen as sarcastic or even not well-received, but sometimes I think it's the perception of the receiver? Maybe I'm reaching here.

Hi ladies!
Laela- I think I understand what Tasha meant in her comments. Sometimes you can tell when someone is being sarcastic by their tone of voice, body language, facial expressions, through spiritual discernment, etc. I also agree with Chicanella's comments concerning our authority as believers to nullify ungodly prayers. As a whole though, I welcome prayers from fellow believers.
Hi, Prudent... :yep:

I was asking in terms of just reading someone's words on the computer screen, but spiritual discernment would do it too. ;)

That's an interesting comment... how are we to know the sincerity of someone's offer to pray???

It's unfortunate someone's effort to reach out can be seen as sarcastic or even not well-received, but sometimes I think it's the perception of the receiver? Maybe I'm reaching here.

Hi ladies!
Laela- I think I understand what Tasha meant in her comments. Sometimes you can tell when someone is being sarcastic by their tone of voice, body language, facial expressions, through spiritual discernment, etc. I also agree with Chicanella's comments concerning our authority as believers to nullify ungodly prayers. As a whole though, I welcome prayers from fellow believers.