I Don't Want to Hate You...but I'm Beginning To!!!

Put down the Giovanni SAS & ORS Creamy Aloe and back away slowly............you are killing your hair slowly. You've got a combination of protein overload and SUPER HARSH shampoo stripping your hair weekly. The Giovanni has protein. Stop using it for a while. Stick with the Suave Almond & Shea. Read the ORS Creamy Aloe bottle - I believe it says that it "removes calcium build-up". This is a chelating shampoo. Over using it will strip your hair. Combined with the protein, your poor hair is just frazzled. DC twice a week with a moisturizing conditioner for a few weeks. The best moisturizing DC I've ever used is Silk Elements moisturizing conditioner (in the cream jar ~$10). Your hair should recover within a mounth.

Aah! This stinking TWA of mine is literally working my nerves:cry2:! A month ago, I posted and raved about Giovanni Smooth As Silk Conditioner for co-washes; it made my hair so soft! Now, a month later, my hair is dry and somtimes feels brittle/hard. I co-wash everyday with Giovanni or Suave Almond Shea Butter. I then rub almond oil or castor oil all over. I do not sleep anything on my head at night...I mean, look at my siggy, do I have to? I think now, that I might need to because when I wake up in the morning, these "coils" (BTW, I'm not liking that word too much right now, because it feels like straight up NAPS...sorry if I offended anyone) are hard to comb out, and I dread it every morning. I don't know what I am doing wrong :wallbash:. To make matters worse, every time I see my dad, he'll say, "it looks like your hair is going to stay this length because it hasn't grown much since you cut it all off in July." He's telling the truth, though :lachen:. Also, when I comb my hair in the shower with conditioner or in the morning, I have hair in the comb, some shed hair and some breakage (they look like o's and c's.) You all can see that I DO NOT need to be losing any hair! So, to sum it up, here's my reggie:

-Wash weekly on Sundays with ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo, DC with ORS Replenishing Pak w/heat
- Moisturize with ORS Carrot Oil and seal with JBCO or almond oil

Cowash, moisturize and seal...and I don't sleep with anything on my head.

Idk what to do with this TWA, am I suppose to comb it? What do I do in the morning? I just comb, brush and go...I don't want to hate it :nono:because in the beginning, I loved it :yep:. BTW, I have 4B hair mostly; the top is thick, and the sides are 4A. Another question, I love the way my hair feels in the shower with water running on it...why can't it always feel like that?!

I think THIS might be the culprit (see bolded above).

Now, I'm no expert or anything, but I remember that when I was using the No-lye Olive Oil relaxer, I used to use the ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo as a CHEALATING shampoo. That's not a shampoo to be using on your hair every single week in other words. :naughty: I think over time it can be VERY drying to the hair. :(

You might want to change your shampoo, and perhaps keep your reggie a little simpler as some others have suggested. :yep: