I don't unerstand...Stupid Knots!!!


New Member
I keep my hair very moisturized and sealed and protected. I deep condition almost every week and I do protein treatments. So why did I just have to cut two inches of my hair off because of dried up knots...I'm so hurt... it's like all that progress and work down the drain...

I wear my hair natural because i do not want to have see thru ends, but it seem like when i leave it in its natural state it does more harm than good...

Ladies I don't know what to do anymore...i do not want to wear weaves and braids the rest of my life...and i know u should enjoy ur hair at every stage, but i don't know what to do with it anymore....
Do you air dry or use heat to dry?

The last couple of inches of my hair are dry and frizzy no matter what...they arent split...just dry and fuzzy. Im constantly putting something on them. I was doing a lot of wash n gos but Im about to start trying rollersetting out to see if it will smooth the ends out. I dont see a reason to cut them since they arent split.
Do you air dry or use heat to dry?

The last couple of inches of my hair are dry and frizzy no matter what...they arent split...just dry and fuzzy. Im constantly putting something on them. I was doing a lot of wash n gos but Im about to start trying rollersetting out to see if it will smooth the ends out. I dont see a reason to cut them since they arent split.

I use t air dry i got too many knots so now im gonna use heat more often
I am also having this problem. I'm in protective styles 80% of the time and I moisturize religiously so it can't be that. It's very frustrating.
Once I reached should length about a year natural, I began getting knots. I think it's just a fact of SOME natural heads. The only things that help me cut down on knots and split ends are to keep it extra moisturized and keep it stretched. For me that means twist-outs or twists. Wash n gos are the biggest culprits of my knots.

BUT with that said, I RARELY straighten my hair, I spot dust often, so the knots aren't that big of a deal because no one can tell. :drunk:
I agree with 1QTPie--some hair just tangles and knots more than others. My hair strands are fine to very fine, I have a lot of them, they are super coily, they clump, and they are pretty long. That's a recipe for major tangles and knots in my book. I don't cut them out though. I actually pull as many of the "live" strands out of the knot as I can before being left with one or two shed strands attached to one live strand. Often times I can pry them apart without loosing any attached strands. I try to minimize them by finger detangling as often as possible. Castor oil mixed with a pomade on my hair helps keep them at bay, as does oil rinsing with heavier oils. Detangling at least once a week is mandatory. Wearing my hair stretched/banded really helps, but I sacrifice some moisture to do it (my hair stays more moisturized in its shrunken state).

I really think that those of us with easily tangled hair have to pay more attention to our hair to minimize (not avoid) knots and tangles. I only cut them as a last resort.
Coconut oil.

Thats all I am going to say.

If you use it vigoriously, as a moisturizer mixed with some glycerin....
you'll probably see less tangles. Also, it could be your deep condtioner. I've been using Mizani, but you might need to find a different DC.
I remember there was a thread about naturals and knots a few months ago. At that time, I hadn't really experienced the problem yet, but now I am. I've tried picking them out with patience or just cutting out the individual knots, but not the length of the hair.

To combat the knots, I've just decided to start roller setting more and not wearing wash and go's as much. It seems like I noticed the knots more when I airdried and wore my curly hair loose for a few days at a time. i feel your pain though it is frustrating.