Question I don't understand tagging.


formerly nicola.kirwan
I know that mentioning someone will result in that person receiving a notification that links to that particular post. If you tag a user in a thread, do they receive notification to go and view that thread? What exactly does a user tag do?

Thank you!
Yes they will recieve notification.

A mention is you responding to someone in a thread.

A tag differs from a mention in that you just want to bring the attention of the thread to someone. For instance if you and someone else have been talking about shedding and someone creates a thread that you have read and you think that it might interest that person/s you will tag them.

In that specific thread you will input there name/s in a regtangular box a the top of the thread right above the new reply box you will seperate the names using commas I think.

Thats it
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