den1 said:
My hair-type is 4B.....I'm hanging on because i haven't really got a choice

You hair doesnt look like 4b to me.

Anyway, your hair is beautiful and will be beautiful whether it is relaxed, natural, or texturized. But I caution you, dont do anything drastic. We women can sometimes be so fed up and irritated with our hair that we do something on whim that we may later regret. So to make sure you do what will provide you with the greatest amount of satisfaction for the longest amount of time, wait it out for a couple of weeks. The beauty of hair is that it always grows back and when you are ready to move on to a new style, you'll be able too. Good luck.
JCoily said:
Miss Denise,

Don't you DARE relax that beautiful hair! Not when a Maxiglide provides the same look without the commitment to chemicals.

I have stalked your album long enough to watch you go from natural to a texturizer back to natural. Chemicals didn't seem to be the answer for you in the past, so what has happened now that makes you think that has changed?

I'll get off my soap box now and just say that I will continue to admire your hair regardless of what you do. I would just hate to think of you relaxing now and then a few months down the road, you announcing that you're going to start transitioning again.

Good luck girl!
For now i can't touch the relaxer with my braids in. Do you heat is better than using the chemicals then? My can handle the chemicals however i had stylists that didn't know what they were doing, they kept underprocessing my hair. I have enough knowledge of chemicals to know how to process it myself with the help of my sister, i wiuldn't have to re-live those experiences. Thanks everyones for your encouragement and most of all for understanding me, even though i sound like a crazy person.
goldensensation said:
You hair doesnt look like 4b to me.

Anyway, your hair is beautiful and will be beautiful whether it is relaxed, natural, or texturized. But I caution you, dont do anything drastic. We women can sometimes be so fed up and irritated with our hair that we do something on whim that we may later regret. So to make sure you do what will provide you with the greatest amount of satisfaction for the longest amount of time, wait it out for a couple of weeks. The beauty of hair is that it always grows back and when you are ready to move on to a new style, you'll be able too. Good luck.
Aww your being so lovely to me....you ladies are nice...most people I know would cuss me BIG TIMER and make me feel like **** for thinking this way.thanks everyone
den1 said:
Aww your being so lovely to me....you ladies are nice...most people I know would cuss me BIG TIMER and make me feel like **** for thinking this way.thanks everyone

I have learned that you may find that in other forums, but not here.

I just have to say that I am just getting started good with my first transitioning and you are one of my inspirations. I don't want to see you go back to chemicals, but that is not my decision to make. You have to be happy about your hair. But just think about this decision for a little bit before you do anything. Sure you're hair will grow back or you can go natural again. It just wouldn't be good for you to walk around with regrets... whatever your decision may be.
Den 1 I know exactly what you are going through I am not as far along in my transitioning process. But now after dealing with my newgrowth for some months I am now wondering should I get out of this before I get to far into. I've been looking through the pics of the ladies here trying to figure out what type of hair texture I have and after seeing the results I not sure I will be able to handle my whole head natural. It is very nice in theory but I think I need to step back and decide is this a good idea for me or did I just jump on the natural bandwagon to soon.
Den I am loving your waves/coily hair. They look beautiful. Do u think u can probably try something different. Maybe layering a bunch of leave in's to weigh hair down and make it more manageble?. Maybe bun it for awhile?.
Do the maxiglide thing maybe once or twice a month.?
You most certainly have quite a decision to make. However, try to stick it out. I can only imagine what you have to go through being that your hair is thick (you are so fortunate)...I wish I had 1/2 of that thickness. Weigh your pros and cons and no matter what you decide on make sure you can live with it.
Den1 quit thinking this way cos you are an inspiration to so many. Hang in there and fight the temptation! However you have my support in whatever decision you make.
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I think you just have to realize the advantages/disadvantages of being relaxed vs natural. With relaxed hair you can expect more shedding/breakage because the hair will be weaker due to the chemicals. So that would be one of the major disadvantages.

With the natural side you can expect to invest more time into having it do things it's not used to (straightening ect) will def. take more time and patience. I think you'll find it easier figuring out by sorting out the advantages and disadvantages and what you can handle best. hth
I've heard you describe your texture like this in a few other post and it seems like transitioning has been a bit hard on you. So i'm curious why don't you want to texturize again, or rather why do you really want to be natural? I'm no trying to be offensive, just honest and hopefully helpful. Maybe natural isn't the way for you. It's ok if you were maintaining your texturized hair before and decide to texturize again. So there is my encouragement, do what is best for you and what you really want to do. :)
Den, I totally, totally agree with all the ladies here on how beautiful your hair is. Your thickness and length are too die for!!!!!!! But...I hear you on the whole hair drama thing. I went natural about 4+ years ago while I was pregnant. I only did this really bc i didn't want to use chemicals while i was pregnant bc someone told me (and yes, when it comes to things like this I take no chances) that a relaxer could harm the baby's brain:ohwell: Anyways, after I had the baby I tried to stay natural but my gosh! My head was tough and thick:lachen: So, I decided to texturize. The day I did it, my hair was off da hook...swinging and blowing and everything. By morning, it totally sweated out of my hair. I tried to maintain the tex, but didn't have a clue about haircare back then and absolutely couldn't afford to visit the salon weekly. I permed my hair and loved it (still thick and full) but remember, I didn't know a thing about haircare so soon my hair was kaput. My hair is natural now but I only intend to keep it this way until i'm closer to armpit then i'm relaxing. Now i know how to take care of my hair and there are so many beautiful relaxed ladies here that i'm not worried. I think you need to look at a few things. What your definition of beautiful hair. For some, it's a big natural afro or curly textured hair. Others, it's straight or bouncy swinging hair. Only you know what your goals/admirations are. I love natural, big hair like Kelis but I know my hair will never look like that bc my natural texture won't allow that to happen. So, my next love, permed hair with body so that's what i'm gonna do. You do not owe anyone anything (except yourself of course) so be true to Denise. A beautiful head of hair like your should only bring you happiness, if not, you need to really ask yourself why? It almost feels like "selling" out to want to straighten natural hair but noone has to live with your hair but you. All black hair is beautiful, pick your own style. ;)
Thanks to whoever voted my thread terrible!!! i wouldn't expect any better seeing as its natural vs relaxed
HairPhoenix said:
I have learned that you may find that in other forums, but not here.

I just have to say that I am just getting started good with my first transitioning and you are one of my inspirations. I don't want to see you go back to chemicals, but that is not my decision to make. You have to be happy about your hair. But just think about this decision for a little bit before you do anything. Sure you're hair will grow back or you can go natural again. It just wouldn't be good for you to walk around with regrets... whatever your decision may be.
Congrats on transitioning, I wish you all the best. I know most people who knew my natural hair before i texturized hate the fact that i did so in the first place and hate it even more because i'm considering the same chemical process. I'm concerned with my happiness right now. I'm not saying that i'm going to creme my hair as soon as i take the braids out, but thinking things over so that i don't regret going natural or staying texturized.
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blessed said:
Den 1 I know exactly what you are going through I am not as far along in my transitioning process. But now after dealing with my newgrowth for some months I am now wondering should I get out of this before I get to far into. I've been looking through the pics of the ladies here trying to figure out what type of hair texture I have and after seeing the results I not sure I will be able to handle my whole head natural. It is very nice in theory but I think I need to step back and decide is this a good idea for me or did I just jump on the natural bandwagon to soon.
Yes, its an entirely new set of learning experiences and not knowing what the final result may be. It requires a lot of patience and it is probably best to find other things to do in the meantime to distract attention away from the idea. I hope its the right descision for you!Good luck.
sylver2 said:
Den I am loving your waves/coily hair. They look beautiful. Do u think u can probably try something different. Maybe layering a bunch of leave in's to weigh hair down and make it more manageble?. Maybe bun it for awhile?.
Do the maxiglide thing maybe once or twice a month.?
Thanks, That's another issue i can't seem find good creamy leave-ins, i often end up wasting money and becoming quite annoyed with my failure to find tat type of leave-in. i will be certainly be using heat in my hair, i can't be bothered with buns, especially when i have to take it down and detangle 5 million textures on my head.
Super_Hero_Girl said:
I've heard you describe your texture like this in a few other post and it seems like transitioning has been a bit hard on you. So i'm curious why don't you want to texturize again, or rather why do you really want to be natural? I'm no trying to be offensive, just honest and hopefully helpful. Maybe natural isn't the way for you. It's ok if you were maintaining your texturized hair before and decide to texturize again. So there is my encouragement, do what is best for you and what you really want to do. :)
I've explained the reason so many times!!! my stylist ruin it, by processing my hair to different textures, which left my hair underprocessed, i had correctives, however the textures wouldn't cooperate. this is the primary reason why i had to transition, its not really be choice. My hair would have to be completely grown out if i want to re-texturize anyway.
den1 said:
TRANSITIONING!! My hair is already naturally thick.... and its getting worse as its growing in, i remember the struggles i had to manage it when natural, and how my head killed me as my hairdresser tried to braid my big coarse bush. I'd either have to give up, having healthy hair and blow dry or press, before braiding, because its getting too much. i'm wearing braids right now and if you see my roots its like a forest, my texturized ends are thick as it is. I WANT THINNER MANAGEABLE, SOFT HAIR. What the hell am i gonna do?

amen to this sister, how could I have missed this thread?! I'm going to your fotki to reply to this problem!
I just want to cosign on the ladies that said think about your decision long and hard before doing it. I now share your multitextured dilemma because I got fed up with my 6 months of new growth and thought my stylist would help me grow out the relaxer and become texturized. She didn't....she underprocessed and in some parts straightened my hair. I tried a corective and that didn't work either. I even had a hair cut that now makes it hard to do some of the transitioning styles.
Moral of all these stories is that I jumped to quick to make a decision and regretted all of them.
As far as the thread rating, ignore it. Thats someone else not being supportive of your struggle.
Den, baby I love love love love love your hair... The texture, the thickness, the shine. it's perfect. I am not natural nor do i think i'll ever want to be natural. anyways..back to my point. With that being said.... this doesn't mean ANYTHING if this is not what you desire. What just described sounds like you want to be texturized. I'd say go for it. DO NOT sacrifice your happiness or enjoymennt of your hair just to please me or any of the other ladies on this board. There are tons of other naturals that they could look up to...U may be more popular but so what.....BE BOLD, BE DARING, BE VERSATILE... U know. I do not have to handle your hair everyday, so how can i be disappointed when u choose a more manageable hairstyle??? And it really saddens me that you post often describing how hard of a time u are having and that you can't manage your hair or you just ain't enjoying it. i"m sorry but i enjoy my hair..and i want you to enjoy yours.... so PLEASE PLEASE do some research about a safe way to get your hair to your straight goal without damaging your hair. Like i think you'd be a good candidate to be Phyto'd. But at any rate, all the ladies on this board will not feel betrayed by what u decide. I just want u to be happy. Some people can wake up and face that 3hour combing and enjoy it...as for others including myself...I want to wake up and see some fluffy straight hair that i can flick over my shoulders. What i'm really trying to say is...."you do you...." (whispering: just don't cut it...i wont forgive u if u cut it...) :look:

much love, gurl...
oh ok so reviewing the thread a little more....u seem to think that you aren't transitioning by choice. I disagree (out of love). Go for it. If u were to get another texturizer...it's possible itd correct the problem or it's possible that it wouldn't fully correct it, but youd be doing a heck of alot better than u are now... man i used to rock a jerry curl in the winter and a relaxer in the summer in my youth days, and my hair survived..... if you texturize as a corrective, then i dont think your will see any negative effects being that youve been natural for a few months.... u get what i'm sayin...
Mizani_Mrs said:
oh ok so reviewing the thread a little more....u seem to think that you aren't transitioning by choice. I disagree (out of love). Go for it. If u were to get another texturizer...it's possible itd correct the problem or it's possible that it wouldn't fully correct it, but youd be doing a heck of alot better than u are now... man i used to rock a jerry curl in the winter and a relaxer in the summer in my youth days, and my hair survived..... if you texturize as a corrective, then i dont think your will see any negative effects being that youve been natural for a few months.... u get what i'm sayin...
I have so many textures, i'd have to go natural cut off all the ends then do a virgin application first. I cannot do another corrective on my chemically altered hair it'll wil defintely fall off this time. Remember i placed my trust in stylists that processed my hair incorrectly. Midway along my shaft are some stck straight sections and other parts are curly, the only way to have texturized healthy hair, would be to start again. There is no other avenue.
Den1, why would you have to cut the texturized hair if you plan on relaxing? I'm wondering because I am very lightly texturized *( hair is still kinky coily, but easier to manage). I plan on getting a relaxer in the spring. Not bone straight, but straight enough to wear "relaxed" styles without heat. Why would you have to cut the texturized hair? I kow you will have to be careful not to over process the texturized parts.
Ok, don't get mad. I just read why you feel like you have to start over. I didn't read ALL the post first.
I am in your exact same boat. I have very long, thick hair but I can't do anything with it. Its always in a bun. I don't want to spend half the weekend doing my hair. I really wanted to keep it natural just for the principle, but I think I would like my hair much better with a texturizer.