I don't mean to start an unofficial challenge but


New Member
I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

OK, I just took out my braids and my hair is arm pit length in the back. This is down from bra strap length where it was pre-braids but I had a super war against split ends before putting in braids.

Ok, so there are 3 women at my work who had very long hair and now have cut their hair to shoulder length.

Lady 1: Italian woman who had big huge curls down to bra strap. Now she has a little curl to her shoulders. Since she has such curly hair, who knows how long it really is, but the point is that the curls are now to the shoulders.

Lady 2: White girl with blond, bone straight, thick hair that used to come down to her butt. She cut it to shoulder-length.

Lady 3: Chinese girl whose hair is quite thin but she cut it from bra strap to shoulder length. Hair is mainly straight but not bone straight.

Now, since my hair is finally healthy at arm pit length, is is fair to myself to compare my growth rate to theirs? I am setting myself up for more frustration

I keep telling myself not to do it because I will be more than likely disappointed. What do you think?
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

I've done it before and am secretly doing it now. Therefore, I think you can do it! What do you have to loose? Even if your hair doesn't grow longer than their's--it'll still be longer and heathier) than it is now--won't it?
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

Hey Ill join this challenge, My best friend, Whom I love just got a hair cut

type 1 , waist length, now just below shoulders, about 22'-23' but am not sure, I love her lenght and hair she know that, and I hope she lets it grow again and does not cut it, I took this photos, Hair photographer
, before she cut it since I know she was planing to do that, and she willing let me take photos, she is not into hair like me, but she may join the board

Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

it seems like alot of long hair ppl are getting hair cuts, maybe to get ready for summer
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

pressncurl said:
HL, i can't see the pics!

[/ QUOTE ]

am sorry pressncurl, the albums on private


ok that should work now, Sorry
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

I used to do that in high school. There was this biracial girl in my class who always wore her nearly waist length hair in a ponytail. One day she got her hair cut shoulder length and I was always comparing our hair to see if mine was getting as long as hers. Her hair grew really fast and my hair remained the same length. I was so upset! I saw her last month and her hair is still long. I bet it's no big deal to her.

I wouldn't mind doing the challenge but the women I work with constantly keep their hair cut really short.
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

I was that girl in high school! Everyone was always going crazy about my hair. I even cut it short and it grew back in just a few months. I used to hate all of the attention.

Now, I am struggling to just have half a good hair day with even just half of the hair that I used to have
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

nijilah, maybe u should go back and see what u were doing then that could have help ur hair grow that ur may not be doing now, some ladies have realized that it was eggs or water, or excerise hth
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

I've been doing this for a few months now with a caucasian girl I know (a male friend's girlfriend)- of course she doesn't know. I started paying attention to her hair when I noticed it crept up to the same length as mine (her hair was like neck length in January of last year and I noticed in October she was at my length- which was a couple inches past shoulders). So from October I've been watching her her and comparing mine. Now in March or I should say April, we are still going at the same rate and are at the same length still- a little longer than October of course (about 2 inches) but I fear she will pass me...I'm pleased that she hasn't as yet though!
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

update on the unofficial challlenge, my friends hair is longer then mine now,but its very beautiful am having some growth, but not enough, so for now, am far behind
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

My friend came back to church yesterday, and she had chopped her hair up to the base of her neck. It looked sooooo beautiful, the ends were so thick.
I gave myself a chop in March and I must say am pleased. It is growing out already, but I had to get it trimmed on Friday after my last touch-up. I still have to keep up with trimming to keep my hair healthy and from splitting. But it will grow out so fast and thick.
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

A friend of mine at work had waist length curly hair that she always wore in a bun. About two weeks ago, she came in to work with a cute, chin length curly bob! She had decided to donate her hair! The cut is beautiful though!
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

some times I just want to chop off my 4-5 ends, they look soo bad, but I do the VC when ever I have the chance, my freind cut her hair because of the ends, she wont take my advice, so hair her will keep being damage, What I dont understand is how come she gains lenght, and if I abuse my hair I gain nothing, nothing at all
, someone explain that
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

I just saw my friend after need seeing her for some time, and her hair is at the top of bra strap, so she has already beat me,
maybe I should do it with another memember
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

I just realized that my Goddaughter's mother has already beat me! All the time that I have known her, about 8 years, she has had shoulder-length relaxed hair. 2 years ago, she did the big chop and had a short fro. Now, she has 3C/4A hair a little past bra strap. Maybe her pregnancy contributed to that super fast growth.

Her hair is so thick, curly, and BIG! She wears a big puff on the top of her head and it blows in the wind.

Too cute!
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

I don't think you should compare your hair growth to that of the 3 other women, since there is no telling how long their hair will grow. Also, you never know how much they get trimmed and how often, if any. I say, make your own personal hair goal and reward yourself for doing the best that you can with what you got!
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

very true Bite, I agree it more like a motivation. it sometimes hard too keep urself motivated, but I agree,
Re: I don\'t mean to start an unofficial challenge but

Thanks for the advice, because sometimes, it can be discouraging.