i don't know why this WGHO testimony


Well-Known Member
i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

made me scoff! i mean it was her hair woes and i have never been in her shoes but something about this "14 year old" rubbed me the wrong darn way /images/graemlins/confused.gif
at any rate i am going to purchase a bottle of this oil.

Hi!. I'm 14 years old, and for about eleven years, I had pretty long and very thick, unmanagable hair. About once or twice a month, my mom would do my hair. I dreaded getting my hair done. You see, Im half African, half European, but I totally got African hair. My mom would wash and condition my hair in the bathtub, and I would be miserable with water and soap dripping everywhere. Then I would sit for about 4 hours getting each strand of my tangley curly hair brushed, combed, and put in rollers. This hurt so bad! Then, when my hair was all done in rollers, my mom would take all the rollers out and pull them up in a pony tail. It looked nice, but the point was I was getting older and could not deal with my hair anymore.

My mom had probably spent about 2 thousand dollars in products. Each time we would go to a different salon, and each time they would give us another product to try, but my hair was still as unmanagable as ever. My mom didn't want to get my hair relaxed, because she knew that chemicals would be bad for me. But, I was FED UP with my tangley hair. So thick like cotton candy. My mom tried one last thing to save me from chemicals, called the "naturalxer". It looked good for a day, then my hair went back to normal. So, the next salon we went to...

The lady seemed to know alot about my kind of hair, and I thought that she would know the answer to my hair. Well, according to her, the only answer to African-type hair was to cut it off and chemically straighten it. Well, I thought this would be the answer. She left my hair a little bit wavy, but I didn't want straight hair, just managable hair.

The same thing happened with my long and wavy hair: it hurt so bad to comb it that I didn't. My hair got so snarly that the next time we went back, the salon said that they would have to cut it shorter. All I wanted was managable hair, that I could maybe wear down! Instead, this went on for some time. One time I didn't brush it for so long that it started to dread at the roots! She cut it, then relaxed it. Then cut it. This time real short, and real straight in a Halle Berry style. It looked adorable until the damage started to come through. I was miserable.

Soo...My hair has grown from the Halle Berry Style, after I gave up on relaxers. I hate relaxers, and I'll never do another one. But it was still unmanagable, and my hair was curly. Six months of new growth...

Then, I accidentally came upon your website. It sounded great. So my mom ordered me a bottle before we went on our trip. She put some on my scalp and hair, like directed. When I took my braids out, they looked nice and my hair felt managable.

THEN:I WENT SWIMMING. I had not put any more oil on my hair and scalp; only that one application that my mom put on. My hair frizzed up as usual.

But that night when I took a shower in the hotel room, as the water ran through my hair, it felt HEAVY!!! That is what I always wanted, hair that...I don't know how to describe it, just that has substance, like causasian hair. MY HAIR FELT LIKE WAVY WHITE PEOPLE'S HAIR!!!! My fingers felt right to my scalp! IT WAS AWESOME! Then I took a brush, and brushed my hair. The brush slid right to my scalp, and through my hair! I WAS BRUSHING MY HAIR! I was able to brush my hair out by. my. self. Wow, you don't know how happy I felt. My hair went in conditioned little waves. My hair is right now about 6 inches long. I hope to grow it really long, down to my waist or hips with Wild Growth! I have only used the Wild Growth 2 times, and I am already writing a testimonial!!! Heeheh. It is that great. This evening I took a shower, ( by the way, it is my second time using Wild Growth, and I don't need a conditioner anymore. I used to be the girl using up 4 jugs of conditioner a week!...and my hair never felt this conditioned!) towel dried my hair, and then put the Wild Growth on my hair and scalp. Mind you it took a while, because my hair is still very thick, but, it was FUN! Now, it is fun to brush my hair. It doesn't hurt. I can do it myself; I don't have to have my mom do it! It's so cool. Anyway, also, I then put it in braids, myself. It was fun. Really interesting though: I would look at a braid that I had just brushed with Wild Growth and it looked like it had a white film over it. NOT good, I thought. But then, like in 40 seconds, I glanced at the same braid again. The oil had seeped in and I was left with a shiny braid! It's like, this oil is so natural that the hair can actually accept it. Other hair oils that I used had bad, string chemical perfume smells. They smelled so strong that my mom and I hated to use them, and we would ruin whole pans and containers preparing the oil. This one is practically food grade, meaning it smells more like some organic food rather than chemicals! My mom is even going to start using WGHO on her hair; she used it once, following directions for thinner caucasian hair, and french braided it. We immediately saw how much thicker and bodiful it looked! and the Wild Growth is natural enough for us both! My mom couldn't even see any split ends on my hair!

I am going to grow my hair to my waist! Thank you! I will keep you updated! My name is N.S. Please put this one the testimonial website, so others will see whatan awesome oil this is! Thank You!
N.S (from MN)
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

I understand why you felt that way. I don't like the tone of this at all either. Especially the "felt wavy like white people's" part.

I don't believe many of the young girls letters to hair mags and stuff. I read one in a hair mag and most young girls don't think like this or speak like this. I think an adult wrote it and they are just saying it is a 14 year old.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

yea, KAddy, that's the feeling i get too. i mean, i know there are some people who have a challenging head of hair but it has a tone of: white is right....you know what i mean.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

A durn shame. White peoples hair, she must not know that white women also relax. And I think the testamonials are b.s for the most part. Some are realistic, but some, no way!
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

My mom is even going to start using WGHO on her hair; she used it once, following directions for thinner caucasian hair, and french braided it

I got the impression that her mother is white and that's why she feels this way.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

yes, she is biracial. however, it seems that she's not liking her "african hair" and is celebrating/embracing her "caucasian hair"

it just does'nt "sound" right.

i dunno, this testimony....embarrassed me for some reason.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

ummmm, which product is she talking about? it surely can't be wildgrowth. cause i have it and it doesnt thicken and instantly detangle hair like she claims.wildgrowth is like any other oil if you ask me.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

I don't like the testimony because besides the racial BS, the whole thing sounds like some BS!
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

Somebody needs a reality check. My biracial daughters better not be saying no mess like this. This is an issue that I started addressing from the rip. There will be no racial "confusion" in my household. I'm glad the WGO is working but they've got some other issues they need to work on. /images/graemlins/naughty.gif
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

This little girl is surely confused, did she want more manageable hair or did she want a product to make her hair look like "white" people's hair???? That's a shame
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

WGHO is aite' but it certaintly ain't gonna do all she described. Anywhoo, I think it was written by someone connected w/ the company. It's painfully clear.

**Dannie's patting herself on the back for her 1000th post**
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

Initially I cringed. But then I realized that she lived with her white momma. That explains it all. Obviously her father is not in the picture or he is strangely silent in the raising of this child. She is, even with her African 1/2, still a WHITE girl. No doubts about it. I fully expect such ignorance to come out of their mouth. And to see mommy dearest with hair that she can easily comb through - I'm sure she has the longing like some other little black girls who aren't bi-racial. The difference is these other little black girls got black mommas and daddies to help them to see everything about them is beautiful and this poor child does not have that luxury.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

Initially I cringed. But then I realized that she lived with her white momma. That explains it all. Obviously her father is not in the picture or he is strangely silent in the raising of this child. She is, even with her African 1/2, still a WHITE girl. No doubts about it. I fully expect such ignorance to come out of their mouth. And to see mommy dearest with hair that she can easily comb through - I'm sure she has the longing like some other little black girls who aren't bi-racial. The difference is these other little black girls got black mommas and daddies to help them to see everything about them is beautiful and this poor child does not have that luxury.

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Well said!!!!!!! /images/graemlins/notworthy.gif
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

i thought about this scenario too! i have a neice and nephew that are bi-racial (my middle brother married a caucasian woman) my nephew has very silky and loopy curls. my niece has the same texture around the edges and nape but more coarse/spiraly everywhere else. you guessed it...her mom had a hard time "managing" it BUT she taught her (my brother was not in the picture b/c he remarried) to embrace her WHOLE self...curlies and all. i guess when some people procreate w/different races they don't entertain the challenges that inevitably arise??? sad.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

Yeah it sounds a bit manufactured, if I may say.

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<font color="blue"> yup /images/graemlins/up.gif </font>
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

I think the story sounds fake. Besides,it seems like a relaxer (if it is strong enough) would at least make combing it easier than having natural hair, even it is still really frizzy.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

A lot of the testimonies on the WGHO site sound manufactured. They even have so-called testimonies saying, "I used your product and within weeks, my hair texture changed, it grew almost 6-8 inches!!"
I hope nobody actually believes half the stuff they read on that site. /images/graemlins/look.gif
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

Are they talking about Wild Growth Oil? I don't see how someone caucasian could use this without their hair looking like an oil slick. That stuff is greasy. It even makes my hair feel oily I can only imagine what it would do to caucasian hair.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

And to see mommy dearest with hair that she can easily comb through - I'm sure she has the longing like some other little black girls who aren't bi-racial.

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If it's a real testimonial--I agree. Po' thang just doesn't know any better. But I have a feeling a lot of the WGO testimonials are made up. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

If WGO wasn't such a good product I wouldn't buy it since they have all these fake testemonials. I don't know why they need to resort to that as a marketing tactic. /images/graemlins/nuts.gif
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

It looks like something a 14-year-old could write.

My WGHO precipitated very easily. Maybe it was an old bottle, but I was decidedly underwhelmed.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

I don't see how someone caucasian could use this without their hair looking like an oil slick. That stuff is greasy. It even makes my hair feel oily I can only imagine what it would do to caucasian hair.

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Ya know? I don't see how it would work for their hair either. I have never used this stuff before...but my niece does. When I went to do put her hair in two ponytails..it had this greasy coated feel. Her hair was so weighed down...it wasn't moving. If this is a fake testimonial...it sounds like the person that wrote it...possibly someone that works for the company...it trying to expand by marketing this product to caucasians.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

/images/graemlins/nono.gif Now that's a shame. I had a friend (biracial) just like this who, at the request of her mother, used all types of products to "whiten" her hair.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

/images/graemlins/nono.gif Now that's a shame. I had a friend (biracial) just like this who, at the request of her mother, used all types of products to "whiten" her hair.

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see, this is my point exactly! did her mom ever stop to think before getting her swerve on that her child's hair may not be identical to her hair??? gee whiz! /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

i bought this oil last night. first, i went to sally's and they were sold out and b/c they were sold out it made me more determined to buy it. i finally found it at dark &amp; lovely bss. i poo/con/rollerset and this morning i put the oil in. all it did was make my hair shiny....nothing else. it's also greasy not the gel-like consistency that the site says it will be.
Re: i don\'t know why this WGHO testimony

the link is in shellzfoshizzle's post about users of wgho? i'll try to find it and bump it for you.