I don't know what to do..


Well-Known Member
Hi girls,

I recently came back from the caribbean. While I was over there, since it was very hot, I decided to wash my hair, and I had to use a shampoo that I wasn't accustom to, and Vo5 conditioner, a conditioner I wasn't accustom to. Instead of pressing with a hotcomb as usual, I had to use a flat iron.

Now it's two weeks later, and my hair has dropped out. It hasn't gotten any shorter (well, most parts of it anyway), but it has gotten thin. I noticed over the last two weeks my hair was shedding mostly from the middle. The middle of my hair was the part that turned back mostly natural. The left side of my hair is thinner than my right (it always was but now worse), and it also has a lot of shorter pieces.

I had my mom trim my hair (all of it was pulled back and trimmed), but since there are some short pieces on the left side, I don't know if I should individually trim those pieces or wait for it to grow, and then trim.

Any suggestions on how to restore hair back to health? I have gotten Aphogee 2 min reconstructor, and I continue to use redken hair cleansing creme, keracare shampoo, and queen helene conditioner. Also, is it possible that my hair dropped out because of the water in the caribbean island?

My major concerning is how do I trim my hair...mostly every part despite the thinness doesn't have any split ends. Also, what products can I use to thicken back my hair?


I'm so sorry to hear about your hair mishap. I'm a LHCF newbie, so I can't help with most of the issues you mentioned, but I can personally vouch for JBCO for thickening up hair. I've been using it faithfully for 8 weeks in my weekly DCs and nightly on my edges, and I've already seen alot of improvement.

Good luck, and I'm sure some of the vets will chime in soon.
Also black tea rinses work really well. I just did one today. Any regular black tea will do, even lipton. Just breew the tea let it sit and once you get finish washing your hair pour the rinse through your hair and scalp. Wait like 20 -30 mins and DC. Once you rinse your hair will be so soft and silky. Its stops breakage and def stops shedding.
Sorry for your mishap. Maybe the water had a lot minerals also how come you didn't bring the shampoo and conditioner you normally use? Did the flatiron had a temp dial to control the amont of heat? Another thing I noticed that pressed hair always seem more fuller than flatironed hair. I hope you will be able to remedy your problem.
I've read that garlic pills can stop shedding pretty quickly. I've used Mane Tail Growth to thicken up my thin hairline too.
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Whoa. I'm sorry. Did you use a heat protectant? I don't think switching shampoo and conditioner will thin your hair out though.
Thank you for the responses!

@bride - I do have some JBCO...I'll give it a try.

@Sondice - I have heard some good things about black tea rinses, so I'll give that a try as well.

@ms. blue - last year I went to another caribbean island. Seeing that I wash my hair every two weeks, usually I wash my hair the day before I leave, and then I wash it the day after I get back (I usually go for about 12 days). Last year my hair kept up pretty well, so I assumed that everything was going to be ok. This is why I didn't bring any of my products. I used the miniglide which only has one temperature setting (110), and I figured since a hotcomb gets hotter than that, using this flat iron would be ok. Also, I'm comparing my now pressed hair to my previous pressed hair, so I do know it got thinner. I didn't think about the minerals in the water...

@Vashti - I've got some garlic pills....I'll be taking them asap.

@kitty - I did not use a heat protectant (I usually use CHI), because I didn't have any :(

I wish hair grew as fast as it can drop out...lol. Thanks again for the responses.
