I don't know what to do..


Well-Known Member
I have been slowly trying not to be dependent on a stylist, not only is it expensive but I cant have everything that I want to do to my hair done for example, condition on dry hair, oil rinse, air dry, etc, etc. So I've been doing my own hair for about a month or so and I feel like the condition of my hair is improving. I'm going to need a touch up soon, I usually get a touch up every 6 weeks, but since I took control of my hair I'm on week 7, hoping to at least make it to 10 weeks, so far, so good BUT the problem is I don't know how to self relax and I'm too scared to try it because I don't want to mess up my hair and I don't want to go to the salon because I don't want them overlapping, overprocessing, telling me I need to "clip" my ends. So for the self relaxers, what gave you the courage to just do it yourself and for those who go to the salon how do you make sure they're relaxing properly so that all your hard work doesn't go down the drain..literally.:perplexed
I have been slowly trying not to be dependent on a stylist, not only is it expensive but I cant have everything that I want to do to my hair done for example, condition on dry hair, oil rinse, air dry, etc, etc. So I've been doing my own hair for about a month or so and I feel like the condition of my hair is improving. I'm going to need a touch up soon, I usually get a touch up every 6 weeks, but since I took control of my hair I'm on week 7, hoping to at least make it to 10 weeks, so far, so good BUT the problem is I don't know how to self relax and I'm too scared to try it because I don't want to mess up my hair and I don't want to go to the salon because I don't want them overlapping, overprocessing, telling me I need to "clip" my ends. So for the self relaxers, what gave you the courage to just do it yourself and for those who go to the salon how do you make sure they're relaxing properly so that all your hard work doesn't go down the drain..literally.:perplexed

see I am a DO IT Yourselfer by nature. I am rarely 100% satisfied with things. So, the natural progression was to do it myself. If I mess it up then at least I DID IT. I didn't pay somebody to mess it up. As far as self relaxing, I was very safe the first few times. I probably underprocessed but hey.
I have been slowly trying not to be dependent on a stylist, not only is it expensive but I cant have everything that I want to do to my hair done for example, condition on dry hair, oil rinse, air dry, etc, etc. So I've been doing my own hair for about a month or so and I feel like the condition of my hair is improving. I'm going to need a touch up soon, I usually get a touch up every 6 weeks, but since I took control of my hair I'm on week 7, hoping to at least make it to 10 weeks, so far, so good BUT the problem is I don't know how to self relax and I'm too scared to try it because I don't want to mess up my hair and I don't want to go to the salon because I don't want them overlapping, overprocessing, telling me I need to "clip" my ends. So for the self relaxers, what gave you the courage to just do it yourself and for those who go to the salon how do you make sure they're relaxing properly so that all your hard work doesn't go down the drain..literally.:perplexed

hi! i think we all have the same feelings. as far as self-relaxing there are a couple good tutorials on here and lots of threads. just do a search & i'm sure you'll find great info. the best tip i've heard for self relaxing is practice with conditioner first, preferably with a timer. do it over and over until you get completely comfortable.

i personally go to a salon and what i do is get recs from people & then go for something basic, like a wash & set. then i just observe how they treat my & other people's hair. if there's something i don't like i.e. nasty attitudes, trimming too much, rough handling, etc i don't go back. i especially try to keep my eye out for people getting relaxers just to see the stylist's technique. i'm still trying to find the perfect stylist tho. HTH.
Hey girl I'm from brooklyn too...

N.e.ways...I go to a salon for my relaxers. In order to protect my hair from overprocessing, I go every 3 months (eventhough my stylist gives me a hard time about waiting so long). I also bring my supplies with me and insist that she uses my hair products. If I want to ask for something different, I do it...shoot...I am paying her good money. For example, next time I want her to put a protein rinse in right after she rinses out the relaxer (before the neutralizer) so I will ask her to do that. If she refuses then I will go to someone else. This is my hair and my money. Stylists are suppose to serve us and therefore they need to work with us to meet our needs. That's just how I feel about salons...:whip:...lol
Congrats on taking control of your progress :) Do you have a friend that can possibly assist you with the relaxer progress??

I don't have any friends that can help but my hubby said he would..:perplexed..lol I might take him up on his offer..:yep:
Awwwwwwwwwwwww. what a sweet hubby! I am a self relaxer, but as my hair is getting longer and my stretches are getting longer- it is getting harder for me to do my whole head b4 it starts to burn me......... I am considering letting a professional do it.:ohwell:

When i was going to professionals i did the following the day before and the day of the appointment.

  • Base my own scalp with extra care given to my edges,ear and nape.
  • Super/extra moisturized my hair (for me dry hair= broke hair!:nono:)
  • Apply a moisturiziing conditioner to my hair 1-2 hours b4.
  • Pray :help:
Do a search on self relaxing, there're a couple of fotkis with very detailed instructions (can't remember which though:rolleyes:) If you're not comfortable go to a stylist but coat your previously processsed hair with conditioner/ petroleum jelly to prevent over processing... infact start with kinikake's fotki (sweetwifey) I think she has something there on doing relaxers Good luck!