I don't know how to pray


Hello Ladies,
I am writing because I don't think I know how to pray. I have heard the term "effective prayer". I guess when I am praying i don't know if I am saying the right things...if any of this makes sense. I just want to learn how to pray. At first, I was under the impression that praying is just like having a conversation with God but after hearing the term "effective prayer" I am now confused.

AMJMJR said:
Hello Ladies,
I am writing because I don't think I know how to pray. I have heard the term "effective prayer". I guess when I am praying i don't know if I am saying the right things...if any of this makes sense. I just want to learn how to pray. At first, I was under the impression that praying is just like having a conversation with God but after hearing the term "effective prayer" I am now confused.


I feel you AMJMJR. I too felt this was and still do. My father gave me some advice on how to PRAY a long time ago and it was based on the word PRAY. At the moment I can not remember all the words, but I know the first was to Praise him first or to praise him for the things you are most thankful for and what he has already done for you. Maybe someone else here can help us both out...?:look:
Spidergul said:
I feel you AMJMJR. I too felt this was and still do. My father gave me some advice on how to PRAY a long time ago and it was based on the word PRAY. At the moment I can not remember all the words, but I know the first was to Praise him first or to praise him for the things you are most thankful for and what he has already done for you. Maybe someone else here can help us both out...?:look:

*BUMP* I am in the same boat...
Years ago, I felt the same way. I thought I had to be like those people that are what they call prayer warriors in church that seem so good at praying. One morning I was watching TBN with Creflo Dollar, he was speaking on the three guarrantees to prayer. I watched every morning till the end of that surmon. He spoke of saying back to God what God has already said to us in His Word. From this surmon, I learned to go to the Word, find a situation that was similar to what I was going through and say back to God what He has already said to me. I used to think that my eyes had to be closed with my head bowed when praying, but now I put my Word in front of me and I insert my name in the scripture where it may have David, Moses etc. I also talked with my pastor about my prayer life, he told me to talk to God just like I was talking to him or a friend. I thought this would be so disrespectful to talk to God that way, but if you think about it, He is our only friend.
Prayer is talking to God nothing fancy but words from your heart. You can say scriptures if want but more importantly open your heart and talk to him about whats on your mind and once you finish talking then sit in silence to see if God speaks something back to your heart. (Adore Him, Request Forgiveness, Make Petition, Give Thanks and Seal the Prayer by giving Authority to Jesus.

1.Open prayer with reverence and respect to God which is praise and worship.
2.Ask for forgiveness of sins.
3.Make your request and/or express thanks.
4.Thank Him and ask for his will to be done with the situation
5.End In Jesus Name Amen.

Father in the name of Jesus we thank for our sister coming to ask for help. Father we adore and magnify your name and know God the only thing you want from us is our hearts. We ask that you forgive any sins or shortcomings that would hinder this prayer from reaching is full destination. We pray for our sister and everyone who wants a closer relationship with you. We thank you in advance that you will meet her every need according to your riches and glory which is in Christ Jesus. We thank you, love and adore in Jesus Name we pray. AMEN!!
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I would like to recommend a book to you: "With Christ in the School of Prayer" by Andrew Murray. My first lady recommended it to me and it is a treasure!(it's not expensive either)

I wanted to know how to pray effectively and according to how God wanted me to pray. Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray in Luke 11:1-4. This was a model of how we should pray; I think prayer and knowing God's word goes hand in hand. You can't do one without the other. You pray God's word; God's word is manifested through prayer. Hope this helps!
star said:
Prayer is talking to God nothing fancy but words from your heart. You can say scriptures if want but more importantly open your heart and talk to him about what on your mind and once you finish talking then sit in silence to see if God speaks something back to your heart. (Adore Him, Request Forgiveness, Make Petition, Give Thanks and Seal the Prayer by giving Authority to Jesus.

1.Open prayer with reverence and respect to God which is praise and worship.
2.Ask for forgiveness of sins.
3.Make your request and/or express thanks.
4.Thank Him and ask for his will to be done with the situation
5.End In Jesus Name Amen.

Father in the name of Jesus we thank for our sister coming to ask for help. Father we adore and magnify your name and know God the only thing you want from us is our hearts. We ask that you forgive any sins or shortcomings that would hinder this prayer from reaching is full destination. We pray for our sister and everyone who wants a closer relationship with you. We thank you in advance that you will meet her every need according to your riches and glory which is in Christ Jesus. We thank you, love and adore in Jesus Name we pray. AMEN!!

Thanks so much Star, I need this!!!!!:look:
We were given one mandate from God. He established earth for us to have dominion over it. This being the case, God is just waiting for you to release with your mouth the plans and purposes He has given you. God is released to "interfere" in the working of earth by our prayer. When you understand this, you'll understand more why we should "always pray".

Yes, God is sovereign and can do whatever He pleases but He made earth for man to govern. A King is bound by His word and God, who is just, exalts His word above His name. So release the kingdom of God that is within you to shape the world(your sphere of influence) that you live in.
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I can't really pray outloud when others are around and you know I can't think of God requesting that of everyone. I believe he gifts people with certian talent to do that. When Jesus prayed he was alone. He spoke to God he did not use all these sayings we use now and are sometimes taught. I Called God my heavely father, father god and thank you for this day and for everything he has blessed me with or brought me out of that day and for all that he does for me and then I tell him whats on my mind. Sometimes I just talk to him just like I would if it was my girlfriend sitting there. I tell him my deepest truth and if I remember a scripture or a promise he made I would say it. David always quoted scripture when praying to God. Psalms is a lot of Davids prayers. Right now I want something that is impossible. I want a new house and I don't want to pay mortgage on it. How can I get it I do not know but God said there is nothing impossible with him and I am calling it out. So when I am talking to him I say that scripture and others that I base my asking him on. Does that make sense.
Spidergul said:
I feel you AMJMJR. I too felt this was and still do. My father gave me some advice on how to PRAY a long time ago and it was based on the word PRAY. At the moment I can not remember all the words, but I know the first was to Praise him first or to praise him for the things you are most thankful for and what he has already done for you. Maybe someone else here can help us both out...?:look:

I have the same issue... sometimes I feel that I'm not praying the right way, even though I've heard that there is no wrong way.

As for the PRAY acronym (kind of), I learned it this way:

P - Praise Him. Thank him for everything He has done for you.
R - Repent for your sins
A - Ask Anything for Anyone. Pray for others.
Y - Ask for Yourself. Ask God to work out anything that is on your heart.

I read this in a Bible a few years ago. It was one of those with little notes and extra pages and stuff.

Years ago, I felt the same way. I thought I had to be like those people that are what they call prayer warriors in church that seem so good at praying. One morning I was watching TBN with Creflo Dollar, he was speaking on the three guarrantees to prayer. I watched every morning till the end of that surmon. He spoke of saying back to God what God has already said to us in His Word. From this surmon, I learned to go to the Word, find a situation that was similar to what I was going through and say back to God what He has already said to me. I used to think that my eyes had to be closed with my head bowed when praying, but now I put my Word in front of me and I insert my name in the scripture where it may have David, Moses etc.
I also talked with my pastor about my prayer life, he told me to talk to God just like I was talking to him or a friend
. I thought this would be so disrespectful to talk to God that way, but if you think about it, He is our only friend.

Your pastor is correct. Talking to God about everything...how you feel, is what He desires. There doesn't have to be anything fancy with pretty words, yelling, spitting, etc...just some good old fashion talking.

Prayer is also listening. Prayer is a two-way conversation. If you are sitting with your friend and he/she is doing all the talking and then when they are finish, get up and walk away from you...how would you feel? I would feel like what I had to say wasn't very important to him/her. That's why we must wait after prayer to hear what the Lord has to say. He speaks and He speaks with POWER!!! But, in a still small voice.

What I do, I have a notepad with me (well, mines are books now..lol) and after I finish praying, I just stay still and listen. When God speaks to my heart, I begin to write. He has given me so much....I'm just so in awe of Him and His love and compassion for me, even though I don't deserve it at times.

You will know His voice, because a voice of a stranger you will not follow. It's just like when you begin to know someone and you speak on the phone for a while, at first you don't recognize the voice when they say "hey, it's me"....you be like "who's you?"..lol. But, after time passes...they say "hey, it's me" and then you say "how are u?", etc. You recognize the voice because you spent time with him/her. This is the same with God...spend lots of time with Him and you will know His voice..you will recognize His voice and follow His Word for your life.

Blessings, always!
Your pastor is correct. Talking to God about everything...how you feel, is what He desires. There doesn't have to be anything fancy with pretty words, yelling, spitting, etc...just some good old fashion talking.

Prayer is also listening. Prayer is a two-way conversation. If you are sitting with your friend and he/she is doing all the talking and then when they are finish, get up and walk away from you...how would you feel? I would feel like what I had to say wasn't very important to him/her. That's why we must wait after prayer to hear what the Lord has to say. He speaks and He speaks with POWER!!! But, in a still small voice.

What I do, I have a notepad with me (well, mines are books now..lol) and after I finish praying, I just stay still and listen. When God speaks to my heart, I begin to write. He has given me so much....I'm just so in awe of Him and His love and compassion for me, even though I don't deserve it at times.

You will know His voice, because a voice of a stranger you will not follow. It's just like when you begin to know someone and you speak on the phone for a while, at first you don't recognize the voice when they say "hey, it's me"....you be like "who's you?"..lol. But, after time passes...they say "hey, it's me" and then you say "how are u?", etc. You recognize the voice because you spent time with him/her. This is the same with God...spend lots of time with Him and you will know His voice..you will recognize His voice and follow His Word for your life.

Blessings, always!