I do not have permission to access this page

dimopoulos said:

Please try logging out - requesting a new password (make sure your email is valid in your profile before doing so) and then clearing the cookies.

Get the email with the new password, log back in and change your password to something you will remember.

If that drastic measure doesn't work please let me know.

thanks dimopoulos!
dimopoulos said:

Please try logging out - requesting a new password (make sure your email is valid in your profile before doing so) and then clearing the cookies.

Get the email with the new password, log back in and change your password to something you will remember.

If that drastic measure doesn't work please let me know.

Doesn't work
Mine still doesn't work either....keep getting you do not have permission message when I hit the new posts link.
beyondcute, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Who did I piss off now... *sigh*

:lol: J/K Whats wrong? I cant search...
My "New Post" button is also not working. The search button has been replaced by the shop button. Did find the search button but I don't have permission to search.
OK Here is the deal

You had me logging in and out of the forum using secondary accounts trying to figure out why you could not post. This is at least what this thread was about. The New Post is the button that allows you to post a message.

That got me puzzled for the good part of two days trying to figure out what was going on. First I looked at the profiles of the users. I thought that they can reply but not post. However some had already created new posts so that was not it. Then I checked all forums, the permissions, checked for database corruption... suffice to say that I spent a ton of time on this.

So the enlightment came from Delp who mentioned something about a Shop button. The only place the Shop link is, is at the top navigation bar.

And then I suddently realized that you girls were talking and complaining all this time about the link that searches the database to give you the new posts/replies since your last visit.

Since the search engine is disabled for the moment, that link even if it is present it won't work - giving you no access messages. And since the search index is not fully built yet, even if the search is enabled you will probably get only posts dating a couple of years back...

Just be a bit patient girls. It is a slow process to rebuild the search index but it is getting there. So far half a million posts have been processed (give or take a few thousands).

At least I figured this out in the end <sweat>
Awww, dimopoulos you are the best. Thankx for all the time and hard work you are/have put into this board. :kiss:

Oh and we will try to be patient:)