I ditched my Hairdresser!! She is trying to call me!!


Well-Known Member
My old hairdresser who I no longer go to has tried to call me. I dont go to her anymore as I feel that you is not looking after my hair properly.
I met her a few years ago in good salon (Only used Good quality products) and my hair did thrive and it grew, but then she moved to another salon that was ok but not using the same products. I only realised this now !!!

But I thought she was the reason for my hair success so switched salons with her. I know you cant blame one person for looking after your hair but over the years the quality of my hair was going, I have myself to blame also.
Then my hairdresser suggested that I be one of her mobile clients we would go to each houses. A cheaper option as well. My hair continued to die up to about 4 months ago when I found you all ( God Bless ) and UBHC 2 Book. I have gone to a new good quality salon 4 wks ago for my first Affirm Relaxer. I was so impressed.

Now my journey begins

What do I do, I did become friends with this women. Should I speak up and tell I know she is not looking after my hair

I was thought she was doing a good job till I found the light, Is that her fault

Anyone else have to ditch a hairdresser

I feel guilty so will it all be worth it????
I went through the same thing 2 years ago. I had been going to the same stylist for 10 years and we were friends. I found a new stylist and I never called the old one again. She called me at home and I admitted that I was going to someone else. She wanted to know what she had done wrong? I told her that my last visit was 3 hours and 11 minutes for a rollerset. She said that I should have confronted her and provided her with an opportunity to improve. We had a few words but we got over it and moved on. I run into her periodically or call her to see how she's doing.

Good Luck,

Ahh, becoming friends with your stylist, that's a tough one.

Sometimes you have to explain things to your stylist, spell it out. For instance, I have been with my current stylist for about 2 years. I was really happy with her, but noticed little things that irritated me.

One, I have used colourshines redality for over 10 years. I switch up now and then, but I always go back to redality. I would call my stylist ahead of time to let her know that I'd be in town for a touchup and my color...expecting that she'd have the products in stock. Instead of her running up the block to the bbs she'd try to play with my intelligence by putting some other random color in a bowl and applying it to my hair. This happened a few times, until I flat out busted her. From that point on, I paid $20 for the bottle and bring it with me.

Two, the next problem was I wanted ONLY my roots blown out. I have told her in Spanish, Spanglish and English...no matter how I say it, she couldn't do it. I contemplated leaving her, but once I find a stylist that I like overall, I don't like to change. I decided to give her one more change, because she has one quality that has been difficult for me to find, she combs and handles the hair very gently, applying the least amount of pressure :up:

What I did the last time I was there, was showed her what I wanted. I physically took her blow dryer and proceed to blow out the nape section and she said, "OHHHH, I see". Problem solved.

Why don't you try explaining your expectations and disappointments to your friend/stylist. Also, ask if you can bring your own products. If things don't improve...find a new stylist, but don't develop a friendship with them. Business is business and if my hair isn't looking good after I paid you, business is going :down:
Miss B and Webby, Thanks

Looking back my hairdresser used to change my relaxer nearly every time (6 wk back then)
Its so good to hear that I am not alone, and other do have hairdresser that ewk their nerves sometimes.

You are both so right, now with my new knowledge I will educate my new stylist
And tell her exactly what I expect (Now I know myself). I will definitely not making friends with her outside of salon. My new stylist really wanted to trim my hair (SHS) so will have sort that out straight away.
Why should you feel guilty when you are paying your cold hard cash for a service and it is not up to par??? It makes no sense to apologize to someone who is doing you wrong.
ThickHair said:
Why should you feel guilty when you are paying your cold hard cash for a service and it is not up to par??? It makes no sense to apologize to someone who is doing you wrong.

Your right,

But I didn’t know that she was not doing the right things until I educated myself, if I never done that, I am sure I would be with her now. Thinking that healthy lengthy hair just wasn’t for me.

I trusted her thinking she was the professional !!!