I did the BC, etc.

:grin: Ur too silly for every 'etc' you typed haha

its looks great, congrats. I HEAR you on the lazy thing etc ....LOL

nothing but healthy hair growing from here, your lazy days are numbered chick a dee! :lachen:
Italy will be so nice! :D
I'm glad you've adjusted...people in Off Topic asked where you've gone, but I'm sure you've been busy with school and everything.
Good luck!

Oh, I was banned for some time for some reason that I STILL DO NOT KNOW: Anywho, I was too busy to come back on after it was lifted etc :grin:
Welcome Back!! Your hair looks so pretty, I am gonna try that Combo, I have to get some activator gel, I have never thought about using that, I was so stuck on S-curl, I have Giovanni Leave In! Thanks for the Tip!