I Did My Own Yard Braids.........


Well-Known Member
and they look a Hot Mess!!!


but I am keeping them because

1) I did them
2) my hair is a mess under them
3) I can fix it over time.

Even though this set looks a bit well........ off :look:, I am proud of myself. I saved myself over 150 bucks in one month. I bought the Red Heart brand from Walmart at 2/$4.00.

Things I figured out along the way.

1) I need at least three strands for a decent sized braid, anything smaller is like a yarn mirco

2) I have WAY too many braids. When I redo these along the way, I will put in one braid for every two that I take out.

3) My brown hair just won't blend in. Deal with it. When I first started out I thought I had left dirt and build up in my hair. I braided and rebraided an embarassing number of times trying to get the dirt out.

4) It REALLY is hard to braid barely there nape hair! (and all this time I thought the African Ladies were ripping me off by charging me extra to braid that section!)
Looks Great! I can't believe you did all that by yourself. I could imagine how difficult it had to be.

How long did it take to complete?
I don't think that it looks a mess.
I give all ladies credit that have the patience to do their own braids.
Saving money is always a bonus in my book.
Thank you. No seriously, thank you. I really didn't expect any looks greats, more like hey, great job for even attempting to do it!, or even a stick to it girl, you'll get better, but a Looks great?!


I started late friday night while watching movies with the kids, all day Saturday while doing chores and some this morning while helping the kids make my Mother's Day breakfast. (Long winded way of saying on and off all weekend :grin:)
I dont see the hot mess youre talking about!!props on doing them on your own!:yep:
your just another reason why i should make my first attempt next week end!

did you braid them all the way down(i saw people starting with braid, then doing twits at the end of their hair) ?
How did you ''end'' them? (i think i see knots, but just making sure)
Thanks ladies, I appreciate the encouragement.

I braided the yarn down to the end and then took one and tied a knot around the rest. At first I was cutting it right below the knot but then I realized that 14 inches in the front doesn't hang the same as 14 inches in the middle. (Doh!!!) So I left them all until I finished and then took a nap.