I did my own relaxer and now I am nervous


New Member
I couldn't wait anylonger for a relaxer. It has been about six weeks and I couldn't comb, brush or do anything to my hair so I called to make a relaxer appointment. Well my hairdresser was booked up until tuesday and I couldn't wait that long. I went up the street to a beauty supply store and lord and behold they have mizani stuff. I was kinda ticked off that all they had was sentive scalp with I think is no-lye. I went ahead and bought it because I have had it before and it wasn't bad. The instructions said 17-20 minutes for normal to coarse hair which is me. I was kinda sloppy with the application because I have some underprocessed hair in some parts and they really need to be fixed. I was done in 5 mintues and I just smoothed it for 10 mintues more. I rinsed and used some moisturefuse. Overall I think I did a very good job. The only thing I wish I had did was to allow the relaxer I pulled through to have stayed on the hair a little longer. It didn't get it as straight as I had planned but atleast now it won't mat and break as much. I plan to do a aphogee treatment next week and a elasta qp intense breakage treatment two weeks after that. I hope that will strenghthen my hair up so I can have another relaxer in 5-6 weeks. This time I will go and get it done and I think one more pull through should do it. I did gain 1 and 1/2 inches of hair and I don't think my ends need to be trimmed. I guess now all I have to do is wait and see how the next weeks play out to really see if my relaxer was a success. I sure hope so. Good night ladies ad happy hair growing. /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
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Dionne said:
I was done in 5 mintues and I just smoothed it for 10 mintues more.

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Dionne how in the hell did you manage to apply it in 5 minutes. Girl you are quick. You need to let me know cause I can't do it that quickly. I think I may accompany my sister to the salon to see exactly how they do it in such a short space of time.
/images/graemlins/clap.gif sounds like u really did do a great job. wen u dried yo hair did u notice a visible difference in the two textures ?? (ie the lye and no-lye hair)

/images/graemlins/shocked.gif done in 10 mins?? wow u must be very proud of yoself /images/graemlins/smile.gif

ngaa /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
LondonDiva said:
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Dionne said:
I was done in 5 mintues and I just smoothed it for 10 mintues more.

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Dionne how in the hell did you manage to apply it in 5 minutes. Girl you are quick. You need to let me know cause I can't do it that quickly. I think I may accompany my sister to the salon to see exactly how they do it in such a short space of time.

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How long does it take you all to apply yours? I do mine in 5 minutes too. I part with one hand and apply the relaxer with the other.
I don't do my own relaxer touch ups. I go to a professional hair stylist because I know I can't relax my own hair. Now my stylist is super fast, but if I tried to do it myself, I would be super slow. Once my stylist applies the relaxer creme to my new growth, she immediately rinses it out (no smoothing at all). So, it's not in my hair very long.

I sincerely applaud anyone who can apply their own relaxer. That is really something! I wish I could but I am just too chicken. I would not know how to do it and I know I would be all thumbs. I am sure that your hair will be fine Dionne.

/images/graemlins/drunk.gif /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
5 minutes? Girl, I think you missed your calling as a hair stylist. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I don't you should be nervous. You could always re-shampoo with the nuetralizing shampoo and then do a ACV rinse before you use a protein conditioner. As a pre-caution.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I was kinda sloppy with the application because I have some underprocessed hair in some parts and they really need to be fixed. I was done in 5 mintues and I just smoothed it for 10 mintues more. I rinsed and used some moisturefuse.

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I'm sorry, Dionne. But this is such a dangerous process to put a chemical in your hair if you don't know what you are doing/images/graemlins/nono.gif If you were sloppy w/the application you probably overlapped the chemical onto previously relaxed hair, which isn't good. In addition to that if you were able to apply and work it thru the hair in just 5 minutes it couldn't have possibly "took". Probably in few washings you will see that this relaxer didn't do what it was intended to do, and now you will need a stylist to do corrective action /images/graemlins/confused.gif I am only trying to be honest, and I'm not trying to offend you. I am very blunt in the info I give. I just want to see everyone w/healthy hair /images/graemlins/grin.gif Hope this helps. Have blessed day.
You didn't offend me at all. You were just honest. /images/graemlins/wink.gif What I meant by five minutes was that I was able to apply it in five minutes but I didn't leave it in for just five mintues. I overlapped in some places on purpose but I see your point. I appreciate your comments and I do understand where you r coming from. I had some underprocessed parts before and I need to have a "pull through" whether is was from a stylist or me. I understand your concern and I respect your comments because you hair is way longer than mine so thanks. Honestly is the best policy so either way thanks for you critism. Have a nice day /images/graemlins/grin.gif
when i did my own relaxers, i would SERIOUSLY dream about waking up with my hair and rollers on the pillow. even though i never had any mishaps, i decided it wasn't worth the tossing and turning. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
