
Well-Known Member
Okay so I didn't my henna treatment. The results are a little darker than I would have wanted. Under the Summer sun my hair turns warm dark brown and the front develops tawny/dark blonde streaks which is a throwback to my childhood color.
In these new pics I have a lot of new growth, but I use the Macherieamour mist and blow dry technique to straighten them out. Also the henna seems to thicken my hair/fill in the gaps in the shaft allowing for straighter/smoother looking hair. I am hoping I can come up with a henna recipe that will result in a warm auburn brown instead of the dark brown pictured, but ah well.
I'll report more tomorrow, it's late and mine eyeballzzz are burning.

ETA: Update as of 08/11/07
I've taken some more pictures --> http://www.picturetrail.com/sleekandbouncy

I must have the weirdest hair because the henna/indigo darkening seems to be lightening up! I swear my hair doesn't hold on to anything :ohwell: My is lightening back to it's original color, but it's keeping the red tint from the henna. I also did a henna gloss on my hair last this weekend. Let me say this when you henna, you MUST pull out the most moisturizing and detangling products because henna will tangle your hair, do your own washes because a stylist will rip it out (that's what happened this weekend :nono:). I've lost so much hair this month, but I think next time I'll know what to do. I plan to henna my hair every 2 months and do henna glosses once a month.
IRL my hair isn't this red, it's a dark warm brown with reddish tints in the front where my light brown/tawny strands were.
As you guys can see from this picture the lighter front portion of my hair took the color the best, the rest was just thickened up and it's actually going back to it's original dark brown instead of the almost black shade it was directly after the henna treatment. Note the flash makes it appear brighter than IRL.

Here's a pic from today 08/11/07

Here's a pic from the first henna/indigo treatment from last week. Notice how it's darker.
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Your hair is very pretty - your skin too as far as I can tell. ;)
Apparently the henna continues to oxidize for the next few days, so you may find you have reddish highlights later in the week. Let us know if the color changes up on you.
Love the application. Let us know how the color turns out after a few days. Because my hair is so dark I am having a harder time getting my hair to turn, so tomorrow I am adding paprika to my mixture and seeing if that helps....
Look good and I like the highlights.

I need to swing henna treatments back into my regi, my teacher is Egyptian and she had some henna in her bag the other day, I thought she was doing body art or color but she said she was doing it for conditioning. You guys is bringing the henna itch back on :yep:.
Very nice. :yep:

I have not tried indigo to my mixes. I am afraid it would turn out darker than I want. I will infuse some powders that create golden tones (temporary) like saffron, chamomile, turkey rhubarb. I will strain the liquid from thease and use it for the henna mixture.
Okay!! That goes under unusual compliments along with the guy that yelled out "yo ma! I like your eyebrows".

Seriously, though I hate my hands so thanks for the compliment :)

:lachen: Ok, the eyebrows one is definitely more weird. My nail beds are short and stubby, so I always admire pretty, long, graceful ones like yours. Very elegant and feminine.
Ok so Ive been on this board for awhile now and Im still not sure on why people use Henna. Is it an alternative to color or does it have some other hair benefit?? Also if it is an alt to color, can you buy the stuff in different colors?
Ok so Ive been on this board for awhile now and Im still not sure on why people use Henna. Is it an alternative to color or does it have some other hair benefit?? Also if it is an alt to color, can you buy the stuff in different colors?

Henna bonds to your hair, permanently IIRC. By doing so it increases the thickness and strength of the strands. It also provides increased shine and a color deposit that is usually reddish or black, depending on your mixture.
In a few minutes I'm going to update my post with a picture of the back of my hair. It shows the shine much better. In addition I would say the hair being thicker it gives a straighter appearance to the hair, if relaxed/straightened.
Oooohweee!! Your hair looks FABULOUS!!

If you want a more auburn color, leave out the indigo. :grin: Since henna is a cellophane color, even if you use it straight, your hair isn't going to go bright red - but it will be more reddish than brown, and brighter, too.
Oooohweee!! Your hair looks FABULOUS!!

If you want a more auburn color, leave out the indigo. :grin: Since henna is a cellophane color, even if you use it straight, your hair isn't going to go bright red - but it will be more reddish than brown, and brighter, too.

Thanks :)
Hopefully some of this indigo will soften after a few washes :look:
Sleek...your hair is gorgeous!!!!

On a side note, where is this mist and blowdry technique, I looked at MA's website and was unable to locate it.