I did my BC early!

Qt girl

New Member
I had been planning to wait about 14 months before I did my BC, but I was so over the relaxed hair after about 10 months, so I just went ahead and did it. I went to Essentials Beauty Spa in Laurel, MD. I had Andrea and she did a wonderful job of cutting my hair and doing a coil out.

I think what made it easier for me to take the big leap was the fact that after about 4 months of transitioning, I decided that I would stop wearing straight styles. No more rollersets!

While it was hard for me at first, I did a lot of my transition in twists or twist outs, never straight. I feel like if I had constantly straightened my hair and received compliments (as I often did when I had a nice blowout), I wouldn't be able to go through with cutting off about a foot of hair.

So, if I could give any advice to transitioners, I would suggest that you DO NOT straighten your hair for your entire transition. A lot of the preparation for the chop is mental. How can you be ready to cut off all of your straight hair and wear it curly if you've never tried wearing your hair in a style similar to your natural texture?

Oh and also, mini chops help ease the pain. There was no way I could just lop off all my hair at once.

Here are a few pics of the new 'do!


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i second your advice; that whole last month my hair wasn't straight anymore, so the itch to BC came really quickly after that.
WOW that IS a lot of hair. I love the style!
And you're right about the transition. I actually straightened my hair for my whole transition so it was quite a mental shock when I cut it all off. Took me months before I could look in the mirror and not think "who is that?"
I had been planning to wait about 14 months before I did my BC, but I was so over the relaxed hair after about 10 months, so I just went ahead and did it. I went to

Here are a few pics of the new 'do!

Big ole CONGRATS to ya sis - you look beautiful!!!
Thank you all for the support!

I was surprised too at how much hair was left when I chopped. I'm really excited to see what this hair can do!
It looks awesome. I think I'll be following soon because I'm tired of trying to blend the 2 textures.:ohwell: