*I did it! (sort of anyway)!!*


"Honestly, Truly"
I know I have an inch left or so, I'll get my husband to shape it up properly tomorrow, but i'm SOOOOOOOOOO proud of myself!!!

Take a look and tell me what you think http://public.fotki.com/CharleneUK/hair_journey_2005/big_chop!_ish/

I'd like to thank you all for your support!

It's now 12.45 in the morning over here, so I'd better get my butt to bed soon.

Thanks again ladies :)

How gorgeous is that! Girl, you and your hair look so pretty! :up: And I was thinking about you today too, wondering if you did it yet or not (couldn't put comments in your album).
Thanks ladies!! I feel like crying, but i'm not sure why!

Anyway, I've been trying to send my husband a pic by text (he doesn't know i've done it yet!) But it won't go through! :( No matter! He'll get a surprise tomorrow!

This chop has also forced me to get used to my big forehead which I usually hide behind my hair! LOL
i love it!!!! it looks so soft and pretty!!! and girl your forehead is not big! plus it doesnt matter cuz your face is gorgeous! so pull your hair back and show it off!!!
Oh My, Char!!!
Your cut (and your face) look so cute, and you look so FREE... it literally brought tears to my eyes!

Simply Marvelous.

Congratulations, Mrs. Radiance!!
CharUK said:
Thanks ladies!! I feel like crying, but i'm not sure why!

Anyway, I've been trying to send my husband a pic by text (he doesn't know i've done it yet!) But it won't go through! :( No matter! He'll get a surprise tomorrow!

This chop has also forced me to get used to my big forehead which I usually hide behind my hair! LOL

your forehead ain't so big, I remember being afraid to chop cos I knew the world wasn't ready for my forehead :lol: