I did it myself y'all ~snif snif~


Active Member
As some of you may know I mention in a few threads that the right side of my hair was longer than the left like buy an inch. Well tonight as I was doing my daily co-washing I decided to cut it off myself. I got tired of it just hanging there like that. I was going to my mom's beautician and let her cut it but I really don't like beauticians cutting my hair-they are too scissor happy (no offense). So I cut off the long part first then I cut some more to get rid of the raggy edges. These had little knots and splits. It hurt me to do it but I just keep telling myself it was bad hair anyway and it was in the way of my progress. I have a picture of what I cut. I think it was a inch at least.
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Do you have any pictures?

As some of you may know I mention in a few threads that the right side of my hair was longer than the left like buy an inch. Well tonight as I was doing my daily co-washing I decided to cut it off myself. I got tired of it just hanging there like that. I was going to my mom's beautician and let her cut it but I really don't like beauticians cutting my hair-they are too scissor happy (no offense). So I cut off the long part first then I cut some more to get rid of the raggy edges. These had little knots and splits. It hurt me to do it but I just keep telling myself it was bad hair anyway and it was in the way of my progress. I have a picture of what I cut. I think it was a inch at least.
Yes. That looks like at least an inch.
I took the scissors to my hair last week instead of letting my stylist do it.

I know how you feel.
wow you brave lol. i couldnt do it. i dont let others trim me either but i know i aing gon do it myself.
Isn't it soooo liberating to be able to do your hair yourself?! :grin:
Yeah, I try to be brave!! I'm so glad I did it now though because I noticed when I was doing my hair this morning my ends feel so much better. I'm still past my collarbone but I'm probably not APL anymore or very close to it. I still plan to get my hair done so I can really see where I am but at least I won't have to worry about the scissors!! I know my hair is growing so I'm not too worried about the inch I cut off. As long as I'm MBL or close by the end of next year and WL or close by the end 2010 I'm good!!

Oh, the picture is in my album for those that want to see...