I did it I reached my goal!!!!!! (sort of)


Sweetest Taboo
I just came from the hair dressers and just like I suspected I'm at bra strap in the back and about 1.5 inches away in the front and sides. I hoped that wearing braids from April to August would help get me there. I waited almost 3 weeks to touch up and I'm there. But.......

My hair dresser says I need a trim about an inch to an inch and a half. I asked why. I didn't think my ends were split and she agreed that they weren't. I told her I'm not looking for her to trim all my hair one legnth. She smiled and said "I know but I promise to just clean your ends up." I told her I would think about it and made an appointment in two weeks just in case I decided to do it. I wanted the chance to wash my hair myself and see with my own eyes.

My husband was smiling when I came in the door. He loved it and complained that I should wear my hair out more often. He's sick of the buns and updos! I told him what my hair dresser said. He kinda brushed me off saying an inch won't make a difference. He doesn't know how much work it takes to get a half an inch.

Anyway, I wanted to say thanks to my hair buddies, you guys are the BEST!

I'm signing on to Tracy's big trim challenge. I think I will go ahead with the trim (maybe). I'm already on the Bra Strap by 2005 challenge and will stay on because I'm trying to be bra strap all around.

I'll post pictures this weekend. I've been saving my pictures as a treat to myself until I reached my goal. Oh well ...... back to the drawing board.
congratulations simplycee! Even if you get a half inch trim, and since your hair is near brastrap, your hair will probably be past brastrap by the beginning of next year!
Tracy I knew you would say that but she hasn't made the cut yet. Besides I'm stingy with my hair, i want to keep it all on my head!
Thanks ladies. I'm still sitting here trying to figure out to trim or not to trim. My hair hasn't been this long since high school. I don't want to hang on to straggly ends to keep length but even she said they weren't split. Maybe I'm over analyzing this, like I always do.
Congratulations!!! Come on and join us over in the BT challenge
No laughing here, love....

You come on over.
A big trim could be a HALF inch, if it feels big to you....
Ok I'm over it. I slept on it and feel better this morning. I'm gonna get the trim in two weeks. I'm on the bun challenge anyway so I'll just go back to the bun after the trim. This way I won't
over what I think I lost. Thanks for the support ladies

If your ends aren't split, are you going to be cutting off healthy hair? or do you just feel that your ends are thin and need to be trimmed?
simplycee said:
I'm gonna get the trim in two weeks. I'm on the bun challenge anyway so I'll just go back to the bun after the trim.

[/ QUOTE ]

CONGRATS on reaching your goal length! Must be a great feeling.

What's the motivation to trim? Hair stylists ask you if you want a trim like fast food servers ask you if you want fries with that. There's no implication that you need the trim (or the fries), but it's a little extra $$$ for them when you cave.

If you don't need a trim, you're wearing a bun all the time anyway, and you have to deliberate over it for 2 weeks, then...
megonw said:
Hair stylists ask you if you want a trim like fast food servers ask you if you want fries with that.

[/ QUOTE ]

so true!

my hair dresser agreed that my ends weren't split and they didn't look frizzy to me. She said I needed to trim about an inch to an inch and a half. She rollerst my hair and it turned out fine. I told her I would have to think about it. I wanted to wash my hair myself and see for myself before I agreed. I thought about it this morning and decided that I'm going to wash my hair Sunday so I can see why she thinks this and then if my ends look thin then I'll go ahead with the trim. She used the term that they needed to be "cleaned up a little".
simplycee said:

my hair dresser agreed that my ends weren't split and they didn't look frizzy to me. She said I needed to trim about an inch to an inch and a half. She rollerst my hair and it turned out fine. I told her I would have to think about it. I wanted to wash my hair myself and see for myself before I agreed. I thought about it this morning and decided that I'm going to wash my hair Sunday so I can see why she thinks this and then if my ends look thin then I'll go ahead with the trim. She used the term that they needed to be "cleaned up a little".

[/ QUOTE ]

oh, okay...but something doesn't equal out here. Why would she say that your ends aren't split and then say that you need 1 AND 1/2 inch taken off?
If your hair grows on average, then technically, that's 3 whole months of growth!
Please analyze your hair carefully because these stylists seem to LIVE for cutting off people's hair! You might not even need that much taken off.
Megon, your hair is beautiful girl!

Thanks for the advice, really! This stylist has never been sicissor happy and supports my minimum heat goal. She was just as surprised as I was when she combed conditioner through my hair. She said "WOW, girl look at how long and healthy your is. She gave me a mirror so I could see for myself. Then she said "You need a trim though." I asked why and specifically asked were they split. She said they weren't but they needed to be cleaned up a little. She knows how I am so she suggested that I wait until my next wash I do at home and look for myself and then decide. I thought this was a good idea because that's what I was going to do anyway.
Carlie I'm way ahead of you. I'm gonna inspect well this weekend. I suspect she's trying to even out my hair. I couldn't really see if they looked thin because the cover she put over my clothes was black so I really could get a good look but it is the first order of business when I wash. If my ends look thin then I will go back to her in two weeks and TELL her how much to trim.
Congratulations simplycee

I knew you'd make it soon, your're always taking good care of your hair.

I think it's a good idea too that you wait on the trim untill you feel 100% comfortable with it. Maybe you might only need a 1/2 inch if you dont want to take off as much as your stylist says. I know you'll make the right decision.

I cant wait to see those pics, I'm anxiously waiting