I did it. I got it cut!! About 10 inches

Ooh...that was a lot of hair! Congrats! :clap: Also, that's very nice of you to donate it to Locks of Love. I bet they don't have a lot of A.A. hair to begin with!
My heart skipped a beat at the "10 inches" part in your title. (Dag, that's a track length. :lol: )

But after I saw your pic, that handful of hair looked minor compared to your new hair style. Your hair looks very nice. :yep:

Congratulations on your natural hair journey!
I was glad to donate. I never see many pics on locks of love with AA hair donated. And no need for me to keep it right.

My husband hasn't seen it yet. But he knows I went to get it done. My mom wants to see it. She was one that didn't want me to get my hair cut since she said I wouldn't like right with short hair..she said i didn't have the face for it.

Thanks for all the encouraging words.
lalabanks said:
I was glad to donate. I never see many pics on locks of love with AA hair donated. And no need for me to keep it right.

My husband hasn't seen it yet. But he knows I went to get it done. My mom wants to see it. She was one that didn't want me to get my hair cut since she said I wouldn't like right with short hair..she said i didn't have the face for it.

Thanks for all the encouraging words.

No offense, but she is so wrong. I had an aunt who used to tell me the same thing.:( Lala, you're a cutiepie, period, short hair, long hair, natural hair, relaxed hair, it won't change a pretty face.
hopeful said:
No offense, but she is so wrong. I had an aunt who used to tell me the same thing.:( Lala, you're a cutiepie, period, short hair, long hair, natural hair, relaxed hair, it won't change a pretty face.

Thank you Hopeful. I agree..my mom was wrong on that..but she was just probably findings ways for me not to cut it.
Ooooh I wanna see but these darn folk done gone and block me from fotki. Can you post a pic in a post, please, please, pretty please?
Great look on you! Wow 10inchs..I don't even think I ever had 10inchs..To just cut off and hold as a ponytail. Eventhough its not the B.C. its still and huge step..and CONGRATULATIONS!
lalabanks said:
My mom wants to see it. She was one that didn't want me to get my hair cut since she said I wouldn't like right with short hair..she said i didn't have the face for it.

I was expecting this really short hair cut, like a twa! Your hair is soooo cute, that style is VERY flattering on you! :yep: You look great with that style!

I'd be very suprised if your mom didn't agree. If she doesn't, it's only cause she wants you w/long hair.
lalabanks said:
Here you go bludacious

Thanks girl. You cut 10in and still have a lot of heair. I like it. That's how I want my bob to look but I have bangs that are growing out! Thick and healthy!
I love the cut. That was a big step..10 inches, I don't I could do it. I was just viewing you album the other day and saying to myself I can't believe I never saw it until now. You have beautiful hair long or short. Congratulations!!
wow it's still so pretty! that looks like more than 10 inches to me! it's so nice of you to give it away :)
Your hair looks really good! You make me want to cut my hair. How do I ask for this cut? Is it one-length all over? Did you have it cut wet or dry?
caligirl said:
Your hair looks really good! You make me want to cut my hair. How do I ask for this cut? Is it one-length all over? Did you have it cut wet or dry?

Thank you.
It is a little shorter in the back. The front sweeps down. I wanted an option of pulling some of it back. And then she cut some layers in it to give it more body. It was cut dry.
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CarLiTa said:
wow it's still so pretty! that looks like more than 10 inches to me! it's so nice of you to give it away :)

She didn't really measure it. I had did some measuring of my own before and i think the total length of my was about 23 inches and when I tried to measure afterwards..the longest piece is about 9 or 10 inches..so maybe it was more...but i know at least 10. a good round number.