I Did Comb Coils in my Brother's Hair! *CLiCk for PiCs!*

i like:lick: ..oh.you mean the hair?:lachen: girl you did a good job! He..i mean his hair looks really nice!!:look:

No foreal...Good job!!! :)
BMP!!!!! Great job... Do you do youtube videos??? You discussed in an earlier post that your brother's hair is tightly coiled on the sides and big curls in the middle and center (or something similar)- WELL that is my hair!!!! IT is so annoying for me (a new natural diva). Can you give me some tips.. Thanks dear

PS when are you opening a salon?
BMP!!!!! Great job... Do you do youtube videos??? You discussed in an earlier post that your brother's hair is tightly coiled on the sides and big curls in the middle and center (or something similar)- WELL that is my hair!!!! IT is so annoying for me (a new natural diva). Can you give me some tips.. Thanks dear

PS when are you opening a salon?
I say just work it and find ways to incorporate it into your styles:yep: no youtube channels as of yet...but video tutorials are on the way!
Loves it! He is so handsome, and looks just like his beautiful sister, :yep:
:kiss: thanks sweety!:love3:

and everyone else is killin me wit the comments over my brother:lol:...yall are too funny....this thread took an unexpected turn lmao....soooo entertaining

Oh and the coils are lasting really nicely!....I knew this would be perfect for him because its durable and he can sleep however....he's enjoying them tremendously
I saw this on your blog before I saw this thread. You did a great job! ( like always:yep:) But ur bro is very good looking. did you tell him about what LHCF girls said about him?
/\ Thanks so much for reading my blog!:grin: I really appreciate it:hug3: I started to tell him I gave him some of the best lines and he chuckled clearly flattered and was like "awe c'mon don't embarass me" lol and I left it alone cuz I know he doesn't like too much fuss lol
How do u keep this style maintained? How long will it last. Wanna try these on my SO
For a woman , I's say wear a satin cap every night and shower cap in the shower.

For my super "can't be bothered" brother I said "don't get your head wet in the shower for as long as you wanna keep this style just clean everywhere else.....no rinsing!" my brother was like "heh?":ohwell: I was like yep!:lol: and I told him to try to get himself a satin pillowcase....but he hasn't yet:rolleyes: truth be told, this style is so durable that you can get away with sleeping on a cotton pillowcase with nothing on her head and the look will still hold up great.....but I don't encourage that of course.....so thats maintenence!

........Oh, and if they feel its dry they can add shea butter or EVCO or what have you....nothing too heavy and nothing with too much wanter
Your brother is so good-looking :yep: and my sis might single. :giggle:

You did a really good job and the style suits him. :up: