Hey Brittanynic!! Congratulations! I know you're enjoying your thick ends!! That's always a nice thing about chopping. I can't believe so many of you have done the same thing I'm doing. People think I'm crazy when I come to work with less and less hair - but thick ends, very full and nice looking! But since Jan. 15th I've chopped 8 inches total!! Now I have a bob cut (and it stands wayyyyy out in the back and sides) I did it myself and have received a lot of compliments and "Where did you get it done" and I'm like, please - in my bathroom with a good pair of cutting shears from Sally's!! I know it's super scary when you're used to having long hair. But then again, it our hair grew well and was healthy relaxed - it will only grow faster and be super healthy natural!! I know mine does. It really grows fast natural!! Also, Ms. Kenesha - your short natural is breathtaking!! It looks beautiful in your Avatar!! It looks like that beautiful star last night on American Idol - Letoya London!! Gorgeous!