I did a mini chop!


I've been transitioning for 13 weeks and my hair is really not behaving the way I wanted it. I went to get a BC, but my stylist found out as he was cutting that I have Less NG on the relaxed side of my hair on the right than the natural side on the left. He gave me a mini chop instead of the BC I was hoping for. It's a lil easier to wash n go now. He got rid of the relaxed ends that were constantly tangled. I am still unsure about how long I will transition to natural, but for now I am pleased with my progress. I guess I will chop off the ends every 2 months. The stylist was very careful not to take too much off the top and that is where most of the relaxed pieces lie. I must say that my nape and crown have benefitted the most in this transition period. Now I have to lern how to do natural styles.
Congratulations to you! That's a big step on your natural hair journey. You have lots of support and so many hair albums with gorgeous heads of hair to get ideas.