I cut off 2 inches


New Member
But I'm not mad. It's all for the cause and besides I did this to myself. As you know I have neglected my hair for the last 4 years and I have to get rid of these damaged ends. So I am proud to say that my hair is a lot healthier then when I started and I owe it to the info I got from LHCF!

I got a touch up last night and my stylist says that I have about 3 more inches of damage to get rid of. The good news is that I have only been at this since september and my hair has done a 360. I would say by march I should be rid of the bad ends and be ready to start seeing growth, besides I like my cut so I can deal. I'll be happy to acheive my first goal of overall health.
I'm sorry for your loss, but your attitude is perfect. I think that it's so much better to have short(er), healthy hair, rather than longer damaged hair. It will grow back, just you wait...you'll see.
I had to do the same thing almost a year ago, but now it has grown back and is much healthier. You made the right decision.. Happy Hair Growing !!
webby said:
I'm sorry for your loss, but your attitude is perfect. I think that it's so much better to have short(er), healthy hair, rather than longer damaged hair. It will grow back, just you wait...you'll see.

Thanks Webby,
That's the truth and by this time next year I'll have a nice side by side comparison to show off. :)
Your hair does look nice. I agree that it will be back in no time and better to have long healthy hair then long thin and scraggly hair.