I cut my hair off ladies !!!!!!!!!


New Member
Well I did it, I cut it. I am only 5 weeks post relaxer. My last relaxer was 1 Sep. My hair was close to APL. I am trying to transition, and will continue to chop off those relaxed ends. Attached is a picture of a wash and go, and I added some black color to the previously blonde color. So ladies be honest what do you think?


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Well I did it, I cut it. I am only 5 weeks post relaxer. My last relaxer was 1 Sep. My hair was close to APL. I am trying to transition, and will continue to chop off those relaxed ends. Attached is a picture of a wash and go, and I added some black color to the previously blonde color. So ladies be honest what do you think?
:grin::grin:i like it...congrats:grin::grin:
I think this is a very cute cut for you to enjoy while you transition. Hopefully you'll be back to apl in no time!
What is his name only if you are mad at a man would you cut that much with that beautiful color.
I sorry I don't understand WHY?????
What is his name only if you are mad at a man would you cut that much with that beautiful color.
I sorry I don't understand WHY?????

Lol' No I'm not mad I am actually getting married in 4 months. My hair is very thick. So it would really take a long time and be a headache for the transition process. It does grow really fast, I just plan to trim every month to get rid of all the relaxed ends. I don't like wearing weaves cause they dont look right on my weird hair texture. I'm in the military over in Iraq, and get this a guy cut it for me.

I think your hair looks beautiful! Looks as if you have the proper shaped head to rock that style :grin:

And congrats on your upcoming nuptials!
I'll join the other ladies in thanking you for your brave service to our country. As for the haircut---love it!! I wish my hair was thick enough to have that full, slightly layered look. When I cut my hair I would try to get it to look like yours, it would hold for about 10 seconds. Enjoy your road to natural. Have fun with it, it's not always about length but about health and ease of care. I'm sure you'll be swingin' long natural hair before you know it! :yep:
Lol' No I'm not mad I am actually getting married in 4 months. My hair is very thick. So it would really take a long time and be a headache for the transition process. It does grow really fast, I just plan to trim every month to get rid of all the relaxed ends. I don't like wearing weaves cause they dont look right on my weird hair texture. I'm in the military over in Iraq, and get this a guy cut it for me.

I now understand "Uncle Sam" it must be hard to keep up with color and relaxers in the hot dry conditions. Congrads on you mariage.

Is it hard to get hair product over there, can we help to send products?