I cut it


Well-Known Member
After my pressing disaster, I was adamant I was going to cut my hair, and a few people, talked me out of it, told me to baby my hair and it should be ok. I tried, but it didn't work, so I washed and twisted my hair and trimmed off all the damaged bits. Now I look like a crackhead :lol:! One side is an inch or less, and the other is a couple of inches. I'm going to the barbers to even it out. Now I will start again with healthy hair and leave those pressing irons alone!
Aww Guapa,

I'm sorry you had to do a BC, but it will grow back. Like DSD said, leave that pressing alone ;)
I'm sorry that you had to cut your hair off. But at least you will have a healthy head of hair to start over with. I hope some of my fellow transitioners are reading this.
I have done this ...twice since going natural. It will grow back healthy and stronger, just give it time. And stay away from the irons. HHG!
Excuse me allaboutthehair, why have I never seen your album before? Your hair is GORGEOUS! Routine please?
I had an album on yahoo. I just recently decided to try Fotki, since it is the norm around here. I am currently just following the baggie method. I shampoo, condition (don't rinse it out) and apply my soft touch hair grease. Put it in a baggie and that's it for a week or so. My regimen needs tweaking. I just started doing this about a month ago. My hair feels better. Before I think I was just doing too much. HHG!!