I Cringed! She Said "Trimming The Hair Makes It Grow Faster!"

CurleeDST said:
It seems trimming and cutting and hacking are definitely a UNIVERSAL issue. I work with non-blacks and just Thursday, one German/haitian male with very curly hair came to work unhappy b/c he went to the barber, told them to take a LITTLE off the sides and they CHOPPED it much shorter than he wanted and also cut the top. He was livid.

Also, I spoke to some white co-workers and they complained about going to the beauty salon and requesting a trim and getting a cut b/c they say the stylists HACK their hair off every time. Sounds like an industry problem and not a specific ethnicity problem. It is a shame.

I didn't say it was an ethincity problem :ohwell:
my best friend told me i didn't need to go to a hair board all i need to do is trim my hair every 8 weeks for it to grow. she said it worked for her. i didn't even bother explaining anything. i just left it at that.:ohwell:
locabouthair said:
my best friend told me i didn't need to go to a hair board all i need to do is trim my hair every 8 weeks for it to grow. she said it worked for her. i didn't even bother explaining anything. i just left it at that.:ohwell:

i hear you, loca... sometimes it is not even worth it.......sigh....
taraglam2 said:
I am so sick of hearing "If I cut your hair it will make it grow faster." Thank goodness I found hairboards and re-learned the tender loving care of hair. All that trimming and cutting every week or every 2 to 3 weeks because of frizziness and split ends that was promoted to me by "hairdressers" was a bunch of bull ! I think sometimes she did not work the conditioner into the ends of my hair well or at all just so they would appear tore up !

AMEN!!!! and you are probably right about that hairdresser's mis-intentions...smile......
Nothing more to add except that I bet your church member is going to be overflowing with clients in the upcoming weeks since she got up in church and made that statement. Certainly they didn't think she would lie in church right? So I can imagine that they really think what she said is gospel....(sad)
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Supergirl said:
My hair grows .5 inch per month no matter what. Hair is dead once it leaves the follicle. It's not like your follicles know that your ends (which are dead like all of the visible hair) were trimmed. :nono:

I understand hair is dead and is a by product of what we put into our bodies. The body is programmed to regenerate and balance itself. So to someone who got a hair cut it may *seem* as though their growth has been accelerated. But the body is just trying to grow back the hair that was lost.

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT advocate trims or cuts for growth. I'm just presenting another point of view for how some people may have come upon this theory. :)
maybe they meant that trimming the hair helps it to retain length which in turn helps your hair to grow healthy and long?
That's exactly what they meant but I think it gets lost in translation.

I understand hair is dead and is a by product of what we put into our bodies. The body is programmed to regenerate and balance itself. So to someone who got a hair cut it may *seem* as though their growth has been accelerated. But the body is just trying to grow back the hair that was lost.

Its comments like this that might be causing some of the confusion. In order for the body to regenerate itself, it has to know that a loss occurred. Example? Shedding of skin cells and lost bone mass ( this is a rough biological explanation). Any way, when this happens, the body recieves a message via the nerves of the nervous system. Then the body, once again, through the nerves, sends signals to various organs of the body and starts regenerating itself. My point is that, the body cannot "regenerate" without communication. Nerves are the key to this communication.

The hair that we comb everyday, has no nerves!! No blood vesseles flow from the root to the tip. Therefore when you cut it, the body has no way to know that it has been cut!!!!

Interestingly enough, cornrows, flat twists and other similar styles DO help the hair to grow. How? The gentle tugging and pulling stimulate the nerves and blood vessels located at the root of the hair. THIS is where growth occurs: at the root. This is how hair gets longer. the growth at the root keeps adding on to the original length and the hair gets longer.

the end.....
Taij said:

The hair that we comb everyday, has no nerves!! No blood vesseles flow from the root to the tip. Therefore when you cut it, the body has no way to know that it has been cut!!!!

Interestingly enough, cornrows, flat twists and other similar styles DO help the hair to grow. How? The gentle tugging and pulling stimulate the nerves and blood vessels located at the root of the hair. THIS is where growth occurs: at the root. This is how hair gets longer. the growth at the root keeps adding on to the original length and the hair gets longer.

the end.....

I don't know how many ppl I had to agrue that the hair doesn't grow from trimming, it grows from the root ppl......! and the main one's arguing me are skibald!
Taij said:
That's exactly what they meant but I think it gets lost in translation.

Its comments like this that might be causing some of the confusion. In order for the body to regenerate itself, it has to know that a loss occurred. Example? Shedding of skin cells and lost bone mass ( this is a rough biological explanation). Any way, when this happens, the body recieves a message via the nerves of the nervous system. Then the body, once again, through the nerves, sends signals to various organs of the body and starts regenerating itself. My point is that, the body cannot "regenerate" without communication. Nerves are the key to this communication.

The hair that we comb everyday, has no nerves!! No blood vesseles flow from the root to the tip. Therefore when you cut it, the body has no way to know that it has been cut!!!!

Interestingly enough, cornrows, flat twists and other similar styles DO help the hair to grow. How? The gentle tugging and pulling stimulate the nerves and blood vessels located at the root of the hair. THIS is where growth occurs: at the root. This is how hair gets longer. the growth at the root keeps adding on to the original length and the hair gets longer.

the end.....

Wow... this is definitely some good info...smile......thanks, taijh.....
blackbarbie said:
Nothing more to add except that I bet your church member is going to be overflowing with clients in the upcoming weeks since she got up in church and made that statement. Certainly they didn't think she would lie in church right? So I can imagine that they really think what she said is gospel....(sad)

Yeah, that's the really sad part. That lie is now stamped with the church seal of approval.
Supergirl said:
WHO TEACHES THEM THIS? (SCREAM!) ... Like the hair follicles hear the scissors trimming the ends and then go "Hey guys, time to go into overdrive, she just got a trim!" :lol:

:lachen: :lachen: that's too funny! i can't count how many times my old stylist told me that. some of my friends think that's true too. no wonder their hair can't get longer.
I have a friend that believes this like it came straight from the Bible. Everytime she gets a touch-up, she gets a trim. Every single time. He hair stays the same length, and even before I found this board, I tried to tell her that she was getting all her new growth "trimmed" which is why her hair has not moved for years!!
All she would say is "Black people need to trim their hair to make it grow:huh:
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I get my ends trimmed at retouch but I never for one moment thought that trimming my ends would make my hair grow. It's more cosmetic than anything.

How can trimming ends make your hair grow? That's some old wives tale with no scientific backing. Once the hair is cut...it's gone. Of course the stylist at your church has shorter hair and I can almost bet that most of her clients don't have hair as long as ours.;)

Now that I see SherryLove's hair I think maybe I've been trimming too much. I may just skip my next trim LOL.
I wish people would just say that trimming can help the condition of damaged hair. We should all know this, but a lot of us don't, so we hear the whole trimming will make it grow thing and believe it for what it is.
Taij said:
That's exactly what they meant but I think it gets lost in translation.

Its comments like this that might be causing some of the confusion. In order for the body to regenerate itself, it has to know that a loss occurred. Example? Shedding of skin cells and lost bone mass ( this is a rough biological explanation). Any way, when this happens, the body recieves a message via the nerves of the nervous system. Then the body, once again, through the nerves, sends signals to various organs of the body and starts regenerating itself. My point is that, the body cannot "regenerate" without communication. Nerves are the key to this communication.

The hair that we comb everyday, has no nerves!! No blood vesseles flow from the root to the tip. Therefore when you cut it, the body has no way to know that it has been cut!!!!

Interestingly enough, cornrows, flat twists and other similar styles DO help the hair to grow. How? The gentle tugging and pulling stimulate the nerves and blood vessels located at the root of the hair. THIS is where growth occurs: at the root. This is how hair gets longer. the growth at the root keeps adding on to the original length and the hair gets longer.

the end.....

Once again--I'm no scientist or hair guru. I do not advocate cutting hair to make it grow... But how does the body know to grow hair unless it's pre-programmed to do so. "Growth = Regeneration and/or repair" to me. Just like Supergirl says--her hair grows no matter what. I totally agree with her statement. The same thing happens with my hair and I'm sure everyone else's does the same. I agree with what everyone is saying.

This is just a my "theory" as to why trimming might be misconstrued as being an aid to hair growth.

Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut... :lol: