I caused my sister's hairloss


New Member
I went home to see my sister who i havent seen for 2 years. I complimented her on her thick hair. It was cut short, jet black and really thick. We went shopping and when i came to a beauty supply, i bought her the dr miracles gro oil. 2 days later, she called me after i came back to say that after my mom applied it to her scalp, her hair came out in droves. my mom told her to wash it but she didnt. she went to the salon to ask them if they could stop the shedding. they washed it and it came out even more. I feel bad because i have been having hairloss from october and i think i caused hers. I also bought myself more dr miracles which i stopped using since.

There are many new products around with new technology but i think we have to be careful about these new items on our shelves. just thought i would post this. it happened just this week.
AWW, that's awful. I'm sorry to hear that. Don't beat yourself up too hard, specially since you were really trying to help her out....You know, so far, I haven't really heard anything positive about Dr. Miracle products. Not the relaxer, oil, moisturizers....nothing....
Don't beat yourself over that. Chances are she was allergic to something in the ingredients and how were you supposed to know that?

This is not your fault at all honey so don't think that at all.
is she allergic to anything that she knows of?

it contains nut oils, and a lot of people have allergies to nuts. any other thing you can think of?
Wow, that was tough to read. It truly wasn't your fault Zailless. What is the state of her hair now? Is it as bad as you think or will she be able to make it work?
zailless said:
I went home to see my sister who i havent seen for 2 years. I complimented her on her thick hair. It was cut short, jet black and really thick. We went shopping and when i came to a beauty supply, i bought her the dr miracles gro oil. 2 days later, she called me after i came back to say that after my mom applied it to her scalp, her hair came out in droves. my mom told her to wash it but she didnt. she went to the salon to ask them if they could stop the shedding. they washed it and it came out even more. I feel bad because i have been having hairloss from october and i think i caused hers. I also bought myself more dr miracles which i stopped using since.

There are many new products around with new technology but i think we have to be careful about these new items on our shelves. just thought i would post this. it happened just this week.

:wave:Hey zailless

Aaw don't feel bad it was a mistake. I always wanted to try Dr. Miracles products but glad I did'nt. Hopefully she is not upset with you and someone can stop the shedding/breakage before it gets bad.

Thanks for sharing. I wonder if it's something about the speed up process in the extra growth that also causes the shedding phase to speed up also, :scratchch , there maybe a connection btwn. the two. Well hopefully her hair will recover and the shedding will stop or atleast slow down.
zailless said:
I went home to see my sister who i havent seen for 2 years. I complimented her on her thick hair. It was cut short, jet black and really thick. We went shopping and when i came to a beauty supply, i bought her the dr miracles gro oil. 2 days later, she called me after i came back to say that after my mom applied it to her scalp, her hair came out in droves. my mom told her to wash it but she didnt. she went to the salon to ask them if they could stop the shedding. they washed it and it came out even more. I feel bad because i have been having hairloss from october and i think i caused hers. I also bought myself more dr miracles which i stopped using since.

There are many new products around with new technology but i think we have to be careful about these new items on our shelves. just thought i would post this. it happened just this week.

I'm so sorry to hear about that, but please don't feel like it's your fault, Z. It's not like you knew there was something wrong with the product and pushed it on her anyway.

And for hair to be coming out like that, it sounds like your sister needs to see a dermatologist (M.D.) rather than a beautician. That doesn't sound like random breakage going on and a condition like that is far beyond the professional scope of those stylists. :ohwell:
lizjoseph said:
AWW, that's awful. I'm sorry to hear that. Don't beat yourself up too hard, specially since you were really trying to help her out....You know, so far, I haven't really heard anything positive about Dr. Miracle products. Not the relaxer, oil, moisturizers....nothing....

I was thinking the same thing. Ive never even saw a rave from anybody here talking about Dr Miracle.

Sweetie, I agree with the previous posters. Now how were you supposed to know that she was gonna have a bad reaction to it? Dont beat yourself up about it. I hope your sis gets to the root of the problem and fixes it.
AWWWW (((HUGS))) to both of you! I hope things work out for both of your heads of hair! I'm sure your beloved sister will understand...you thought you were helping her.

Were you able to stop yours?
*Bre~Bre* said:
Wow, that was tough to read. It truly wasn't your fault Zailless. What is the state of her hair now? Is it as bad as you think or will she be able to make it work?

She said the stylist told her to take some vits and just wait it out. she hates vitamins so i think she wont take it.

before this happened i was telling her about the ladies on this site that they believe if you care your hair it can grow long and that in 2 years she could be atleast 12 inches long. she became interested and said she wouldnt cut again. i guess this is her first set back.
I'm sorry that happened! Your intentions were good and that's all that really matters. I met a lady in Sally's one time and she was raving about Dr. Miracle's products. She said it grew her daughters nape after it had broken off from wearing braids. I guess she was one of the rare people who've had success with it.
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I have heard sooo many stories about dr. miracles products causing hairloss.. I wouldn't go near it if it were the only product in the shop
zailless said:
I went home to see my sister who i havent seen for 2 years. I complimented her on her thick hair. It was cut short, jet black and really thick. We went shopping and when i came to a beauty supply, i bought her the dr miracles gro oil. 2 days later, she called me after i came back to say that after my mom applied it to her scalp, her hair came out in droves. my mom told her to wash it but she didnt. she went to the salon to ask them if they could stop the shedding. they washed it and it came out even more. I feel bad because i have been having hairloss from october and i think i caused hers. I also bought myself more dr miracles which i stopped using since.
There are many new products around with new technology but i think we have to be careful about these new items on our shelves. just thought i would post this. it happened just this week.


If you use to use it and it didn't work for you why would you tell her to use it?
Bosslady1 said:

If you use to use it and it didn't work for you why would you tell her to use it?

My hairloss started in october, nothing helped. i think i started using dr miracles dec or january. it made my hair very soft. my shedding didnt stop until i threw out all products a month ago after having an intense flare up. even then it didnt occur to me that dr miracles had issues. i used too many things to be able figure it out but it didnt cause my original hair loss.
Have you thought about trying the Shakakai powder and indian oils like Vatika and alma. There have neen a few threads on the Shakakai powder stopping shedding and its a natural product too. HTH