I cant stretch that long...........................


New Member
I am 10 week post a relaxer and i wash my hair today.. i rollerset it and tried to blow dry the roots it was a hot mess. lol............. i always have troulbe blowing my roots but today it was worse............ i coldnt get them straight ........ and im not trying to burn my scalp off either so i just wrapped my poofy hair and if its not straight i will just put it in a pony tail.......... i am getting a relaxer next week cause i feel im doing more harm than good by trying to stretch cause of all the manipulation........ I truly feel if i could find a better techniquer for blow drying my roots i would be just fine... i jsut have trouble blow drying each section cause other sectiosn get in the way even when i clip them down....... and for now growth it takes so much heat to straightene........im guessing whne im this long past a relaxer i just have to do twist outs and braids out cause my hair is straight but the roots are really puffy .
Don't stress yourself out trying to be super stretcher, it isn't for everyone.

When you find yourself experiencing more shedding and breakage, more manipulation damage from trying to get it to behave, then it might be time to relax.

8 weeks is the usual standard so doing 10 is Great! :yep:
Don't stress yourself out trying to be super stretcher, it isn't for everyone.

When you find yourself experiencing more shedding and breakage, more manipulation damage from trying to get it to behave, then it might be time to relax.

8 weeks is the usual standard so doing 10 is Great! :yep:

ITA. I usually relax (texlax) every 8-10 weeks, and my hair is doing very well. I have stretched as long as 14 weeks and that was a disaster...never again.:nono:
Well, I think 10 weeks is GREAT! I just made it to 7, and I'm hoping to make it to 12. I'll settle for 10 happily!
You *could* try to flat iron them :look: But if not, that's cool too.

When I'm to the point where my roots say :yawn: to the blowdryer, I give it one last try w/the flat iron. Then if my roots say :lol:, I know it's time for a touch-up.
Co-Signing w the other ladies:yep:. I relax every 8-10 weeks. I used to stretch up to 3-4 months at a time, but I started to notice breakage and tangles.
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Yes listen to your hair you don't want to do my harm than good. :nono:
I am 9 weeks post and I have a lot of newgrowth but I usually bun or do a braidout. I just finished my braidout and plan on wearing it this whole week.. It is a very good style to hide the newgrowth and I have very thick hair...
10 weeks is not bad. When you are stretching, it's best not to manipulate it to much. Try to put your hair in styles that you can wear daily without combing. When I stretch for 16 weeks, the last 4 weeks I wear my hair in tight curls that take weeks to fall. In the morning, I apply some oil, shake -n- go.
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thanks guys..... i really like my rollersets but i dont think i can wear those when im stretching cause its hard to wrap when u got all the thickness and it doesnt lay flat even after blowdrying... i gotta stick with buns and braid outs or something