I can't stop combing my hair, please help me..


New Member
im about 13 weeks post now, and my newgrowth has really started to take over, I get obsessed when I cant feel my scalp or part my hair easilly :perplexed and due to all the newgrowth that has become quite difficult lately, unless I wet my hair and comb is through I never get to feel my scalp :nono: I just dont think I can live like this.. I have been trying to take so good care of my hair lately, but all this combing is too much, im in my hair 3 times a day at least and that is not K.I.S.S :nono:

Any ideas for what I can do to stop feeling like my hair is tangled, I detangle like 3 times a day I just cant seem to get enough, and my hair starts breaking from all the extra unnesessary combing of course :wallbash:

What to do? What to do?:sad:
Lawd have mercy your trying to comb and 3 months post? Are you transitioning? If you are your best bet is to get some braids, bun it up, weave it up and leave it alone. Someone on the forum said that combing everyday is like giving yourself a hair cut everyday especially being 13 weeks post. What is your hair goal?