I can't roller set for crap.Can I still make it to mid back?


Well-Known Member
I tried and I tried and I tried.....I can't roller set at all! :wallbash::wallbash:

I tried with clips:nono:, I tried with pins:nono:,I just cant do it!!! So i only air dry, blow dry , flat iron.

Anyone made it to mid back using this method???? Cause I can't roller set and I have been trying for over a year. Still aint happening. I have been dealing with my hair for 4 hours.. I only got 4 rollers put on rucked and all wrong.. not to mention loose.

HELP! what can I do?? Am I the only one in here who can't roller set for Crap?:nono::cry::cry:
I wouldn't worry so much. There are lots of ladies on this forum who don't roller set at all and have made it to mid back and beyond. Roller setting is not an absolute must for hair growth!!
I wouldn't worry so much. There are lots of ladies on this forum who don't roller set at all and have made it to mid back and beyond. Roller setting is not an absolute must for hair growth!!

Thank you so much!!! I really like how my hair comes out when I get a roller set in the salon. However,I just can't do it. Thank you so much, It's nice to know I can still have growth and a roller set is not the end all be all of it. I wish there was a way for me to roller set with hot curlers and keep the curls in without loosing bounce and movement.
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No worries. :) It’s worth remembering, that whilst rollersetting is lovely, it is a lot of manipulation. I roller set twice weekly and I enjoy the look and the health of my hair at the moment, but I’m conscious about the manipulation on my hair, so it has it’s advantages and disadvantages.
OP, have you tried using flexirods? I haven't used them myself but I think you can achieve the same look/smooth cuticle without all the rollers, pins, etc. Maybe someone else can chime in...
Good luck OP! :)
Yes, it's possible.

What are you having trouble with when attempting your roller sets though? Have you tried practicing on dry hair just to get the hang of the motions and the roller/clip/pin placement? It's okay if you're frustrated and don't want to try again. I just started roller setting and I think it's pretty cool so I want to help out if I can.
Have you tried doing a ponytail rollerset? That's the only way I can rollerset. I use to do full rollersets, but 75% I would end up in tears because I'm natural, and I would get crazy knots. Now I just do ponytail rollersets and they are the best! No more knots or tears!
Have you tried doing a ponytail rollerset? That's the only way I can rollerset. I use to do full rollersets, but 75% I would end up in tears because I'm natural, and I would get crazy knots. Now I just do ponytail rollersets and they are the best! No more knots or tears!

I was going to suggest this as well. Saves so much time and is so easy. There are a few variations of it too depending on how you plan on wearing your hair.
op, I am with you I cannot rollerset either but my girlfriend keeps telling me to keep trying and eventually it will get better, I am also natural and my problem is no matter how tight i rolled them for some reason the pinks does not hold them . It looks a hot mess when it is dry . To make my life easier I just wash and blow dry.
Have you tried doing a ponytail rollerset? That's the only way I can rollerset. I use to do full rollersets, but 75% I would end up in tears because I'm natural, and I would get crazy knots. Now I just do ponytail rollersets and they are the best! No more knots or tears!

Thank you!!!!!!!! I forgot all about that. I will give it another try...:look:next time I wash my hair.
OP, have you tried using flexirods? I haven't used them myself but I think you can achieve the same look/smooth cuticle without all the rollers, pins, etc. Maybe someone else can chime in...
Good luck OP! :)

I keep away from flexi rods because I like big curls in my hair. I don't want small / medium spirals.
I'm still learning how to rollerset, but I'm getting much better. I've been doing it consistently for 8 weeks and I finally got it right this week. Hang in there you can do it. I learned how by watching Lorrainetips and Buildable Beauty on youtube. I'll try and get the links for you.
I have recently jumped on the weekly rollersetting bandwagon, but I made it to waist length as an air dryer.
You are not the only one who can't rollerset. I can't and the hours of manipulation trying to get it right just results in lots of hair loss and frustration for me. I just bun and keep going. If I have to have a straight style I flat iron damp and bantu knot for wave/curls. HTH Hang in there. The road to long healthly hair is not always smooth:drunk:
Yes you can! I don't rollerset, I tried and I saw too much hair on the comb for my liking. I airdry and bun most of the time and use heat at the most 2x/month.
I can't roller set. I think I had only one successful roller set:ohwell:. My problem is that I put too much hair on the roller, I can't see the back and after awhile I get tired. My roller sets are usually sloppy:perplexed.