I can't find a freakin stylist!!!! (vent)

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
Ugh! I am so annoyed right now...I just got off the phone with this lady who told me she only uses "Epitome" relaxers...I've never even heard of that and this is the second stylist in the past month who's named some random relaxer (I posted a thread about the other one...the name escapes me) that I'm unfamiliar with and then acted annoyed with the fact that I don't wanna let them experiment on my hair. :eek:

This is soooooooo frustrating! I'm really thinking about waiting til I get to Huntsville and having my old stylist put a Dudley in my hair...I'm too busy to be dealing with this ish. :wallbash:

I have an appt. for Wednesday with this other Dominican lady who's supposed to be REALLY good, but when I asked about relaxers, the only one she mentioned was Design and Design and I don't get along. So I asked if I could bring my own and she said yes, but if it's a brand she's unfamiliar with, that could create just as many problems! :(

Ya'll I'm exhausted with this. I've been hunting for 6 months, and I haven't found anyone yet...it's a shame too, this big ol city and all these f-ing posers! :mad:

Now I see EXACTLY why people say they went natural on accident. Dealing with this mess and seeing Laketta's update has me bout ready to go head and transition even though last night I was feeling overwhelmed with my new growth. :ohwell:

So I've got about 4 options at this point:
1. Grow my relaxer out and say to hell with these janky stylists
2. Let a friend of mine relax it. (She relaxes her own hair and she's past bra strap.)
3. Wait 10+ days to see my old stylist in Huntsville.
4. Go see this Dominican lady on Wednesday and take my own relaxer.

I dunno...right now, I'm leanin towards option 3, but 2 is not outta the question. My new growth has me hesitatin on 1. :ohwell:

So that's that. Just needed to vent and thought someone may have some insight or have a brilliant idea... :look:
Just wait the 10 days and see the stylist that you know won't jack up your hair. Better safe than sorry. In the mean time, just strangle your new growth with a silk scarf! It will act right if it's tied down the right way.
ITA, what 10 more days if you want it done right, in the mean time try a braid style or something to tame that NG. HTH
JCoily said:
Just wait the 10 days and see the stylist that you know won't jack up your hair. Better safe than sorry. In the mean time, just strangle your new growth with a silk scarf! It will act right if it's tied down the right way.
Wait the 10 days - get your mind off relaxing and you will see how fast time flies. I am going on 4 months post relaxer and intent on stretching to 6. Sometimes I swear I will give in but I just take it one day at a time and when the root gets overwhelming, I wash my hair and blow dry it straight. Maybe you should get a press - that would serve you well until day 10.
i say do a cute braidout and wait, or if it's impossible, just get your friend to do it, that way you can communicate with her and tell her exactly how you want your hair handled, and then after that u can go to the salon for a wash and treatment or whatever.
I figured you guys would be my voice of reason :lol:

So 10 mo days it is...I pooed & dc'ed w/ Keraphix, DDGB, NTM DDC, Joico K-Pak & EVOO last night so it's strong & moist. Today it's really pretty...still damp, but pretty. :)

I'm gonna call my old stylist tomorrow and see if she can take me as soon as I arrive. In the mean time, I'll bun it up for the rest of the week so I don't have to deal with/think about my hair. I'm not gonna do a mid-week CO wash next week...that should keep me from getting frustrated. I'll rock scarves and a bun until I get to H-ville and that should keep my hair protected and keep me sane.

Now I just hope she can get me in... :cool:

Thanks ladies! :)
I agree with everyone else wait the 10+ days..or take your own relaxer to stylist.
The same thing happened when I moved down to DC. I would travel back to NY every other month just to get my hair done. It got costly and I just started bringing my own relaxers to the stylists who would name some crazy relaxer I never heard of.
Divine Inspiration said:
Ugh! I am so annoyed right now...I just got off the phone with this lady who told me she only uses "Epitome" relaxers...I've never even heard of that and this is the second stylist in the past month who's named some random relaxer (I posted a thread about the other one...the name escapes me) that I'm unfamiliar with and then acted annoyed with the fact that I don't wanna let them experiment on my hair. :eek:

This is soooooooo frustrating! I'm really thinking about waiting til I get to Huntsville and having my old stylist put a Dudley in my hair...I'm too busy to be dealing with this ish. :wallbash:

I have an appt. for Wednesday with this other Dominican lady who's supposed to be REALLY good, but when I asked about relaxers, the only one she mentioned was Design and Design and I don't get along. So I asked if I could bring my own and she said yes, but if it's a brand she's unfamiliar with, that could create just as many problems! :(

Ya'll I'm exhausted with this. I've been hunting for 6 months, and I haven't found anyone yet...it's a shame too, this big ol city and all these f-ing posers! :mad:

Now I see EXACTLY why people say they went natural on accident. Dealing with this mess and seeing Laketta's update has me bout ready to go head and transition even though last night I was feeling overwhelmed with my new growth. :ohwell:

So I've got about 4 options at this point:
1. Grow my relaxer out and say to hell with these janky stylists
2. Let a friend of mine relax it. (She relaxes her own hair and she's past bra strap.)
3. Wait 10+ days to see my old stylist in Huntsville.
4. Go see this Dominican lady on Wednesday and take my own relaxer.

I dunno...right now, I'm leanin towards option 3, but 2 is not outta the question. My new growth has me hesitatin on 1. :ohwell:

So that's that. Just needed to vent and thought someone may have some insight or have a brilliant idea... :look:

i d say wait 10days and go to your old stylist i m sure you can find though qualified stylists in LA ask the ladies on the board who live in your area but dont be experimenting with people you unsure of you dont want to risk overprocessed hair and have to chop it it s best to play safe. i guess if you trust your friend but if its just 10days to wait i would wait and keep my hair in buns ponytails and updos in the meantime. Cheers girl :)
ekomba said:
i d say wait 10days and go to your old stylist i m sure you can find though qualified stylists in LA ask the ladies on the board who live in your area but dont be experimenting with people you unsure of you dont want to risk overprocessed hair and have to chop it it s best to play safe. i guess if you trust your friend but if its just 10days to wait i would wait and keep my hair in buns ponytails and updos in the meantime. Cheers girl :)

Girl I have asked so many times...I have a thread over in the salon review forum right now...plus I mentioned that Lady Velvet (?) relaxer here before and asked for stylist recs...it just ain't happening. I've asked so much that I'm blue in the face! :confused:
Divine Inspiration said:
Girl I have asked so many times...I have a thread over in the salon review forum right now...plus I mentioned that Lady Velvet (?) relaxer here before and asked for stylist recs...it just ain't happening. I've asked so much that I'm blue in the face! :confused:

humm then let me think.. hum i would say first choice go to your old stylist, if you cant or there s a complication and you cant go then second option i would say either go to your friend preferably long-haired but you must be sure thats a good friend and that she wont jack up your hair you never know with women i ask one of my friends to big chop me and she cut one side shorter than the other but hey people make mistakes and mind u she does her own hair with no problem or you could go to the domenicans to blow dry the roots right or wash and set and observe how they apply the relaxer and if u like it you bring your own relaxer and give her your directives like sensitive you dont want to leave it long. or if your stylist says shes available go with her. ;)
indefinite said:
When you see a lady with beautiful hair, ask her for her stylist's number..........

This is exactly how I found my current stylist :grin: She will be probably be graduating from nursing school in a few years and I will have to find someone else :cool:
Time is flying so fast you'll be home before you know it. I would hate for you to have to slam-dunk some Jezebel because she messed up your hair at Christmas!

She may also have a secret scissor fetish. Then you'd really have to hurt her! Just bun it up, use your daily leave in on the rest and be happy with the wonderful progress you've made. You are one of my hair-o's (heroes) for stretching so long:)
I don't have a reco for you but I feel your pain. I recently moved to LV and went 3 months w/o a retouch b/c I couldn't find anyone and I posted a question but no one could make a recommendation. I eventually found someone and you will too. I called one of the local tv news anchors who had nice looking hair and got a recommendation. She did a decent job, but I almost flew back to Cincy to my old hairdresser b/c I was getting stressed and so was my hair. Hang in there girl...
LALA!!! Thank you so much...that was such a nice thing for you to say...sometimes moral support is SUCH a huge help...thanks ;)

Tenderheaded I'm :lol: @ hair-o...that's cute! Looks like I'm gonna be stretching longer than anticipated... :look:

Angelk-Thanks for the website girl! I didn't even know they had one...now I'm readin up on the relaxer, and I see a few different types...I'm gonna add them here and maybe you ladies can help me sort through them. Have you used this brand before? Can you tell me more about it?

Epitomi Sensitive Scalp Relaxer
A creamy calcium hydroxide relaxer. Formulated with guanidine carbonate, African Shea Butter, quaternium conditioners and botanical oils. Need to mix before application. Gentle acting, does not irritate scalp. Available is 4 pack and 20 pack sizes.

Epitomi African Shea Butter Relaxer
A gentle yet fast acting Sodium hydroxide relaxer in a concentrated moisturizing base of African Shea Butter. Specifically designed for those clients with drier, brittle hair where added moisturizing is beneficial. Excellent long lasting results leaves hair silky and moisturized. Available in 15oz, 4lb and 8lb tubs.

Epitomi Tender Scalp Relaxer
A “No Mix”, sensitive scalp Lithium Hydroxide relaxer formulated with African Shea Butter. Highly recommended for clients with delicate scalps, customers going from braids or curls to relaxer, or children’s hair. This relaxer is a time sensitive, slow release formula and needs to be left on the hair for 5 minutes before backcombing.

So which one should I go with? I get the chemicals in the relaxer confused...I'll do a search in a minute and see what I come up with...

Infinite-I tried that! Girl it was a disaster! I saw this chick in the mall, and I was like, "Your hair is pretty...who does it?" I went to her stylist and her stylist was AWFUL...she was brushin wet hair, usin too much heat, very unprofessional...the list goes on. I don't know how ol' girl's hair was holdin up to all that abuse :lol: I haven't seen anyone with bangin hair lately...the last 3 or 4 folks I asked said they had tracks so that didn't help much...but I'll keep my eyes open!

UPDATE: I didn't have time to call my old stylist today b/c they're in a different time zone, but I did call the Dominican lady I was supposed to be seeing in the morning. She said she has Motions relaxers, but I specified that I wanted the Motions Oil Moisturizer Relaxer in Mild, but I SERIOUSLY doubt she caught all that. I bet you I'm gonna drive over there for nothing in the morning...I'm thinkin about not going. I might call her tonight or early tomorrow morning and cancel b/c she doesn't speak very fluent English, and the whole situation has me flustered...I dunno...the appt. is for 9AM, and it's 8 PM so I have time...we shall see. :look:
Alright, I did some quick research, and the sodium hydroxide is lye (I think) and the calcium is no lye so I should ask for the green one if I decide to go to that chick...good to know, not sure about her though.
Ok I did some quick research, and correct me if I'm wrong, but the sodium hydroxide is the lye and the calcium is the no-lye so I should ask for the one in green if I decide to go to her...I've already decided I'm not gonna let her or anybody else come anywhere near me with scissors...I think I can trim my hair as needed, and right now my ends are healthy from bunning...anyhow, I haven't made a decision...

My concern with going to my old stylist is that she's a die-hard Dudley's user and I would really prefer to use Mizani or Motions...we'll see.

More to come...
Girl I suggest you self relax, I just made myself do that for the 1st time yesterday, and I love the results. I used the tips on here and used Phyto. I plan on doing this now and saving money!!
Hmmm...now that's an idea...I'm SOOOOOOOO scared to do that though...I have nightmares about that...there's one where I'm in a field and I'm runnin from this underprocessed hair, and it's comin to get me..then I trip over a tree stump, and it's looming over me...I start screaming and crying and begging it to have mercy...it moves closer....closer...then I wake up...

I'm scurred girl, I'm scurred
Divine Inspiration said:
Hmmm...now that's an idea...I'm SOOOOOOOO scared to do that though...I have nightmares about that...there's one where I'm in a field and I'm runnin from this underprocessed hair, and it's comin to get me..then I trip over a tree stump, and it's looming over me...I start screaming and crying and begging it to have mercy...it moves closer....closer...then I wake up...

I'm scurred girl, I'm scurred

Girl I was scared but somehow after seeing how many ladies on here self relax, I decided shoot why cant I? I aint never been no punk!! :D

But for real though I read the many threads on here and since I was using a mild relaxer, knew I'd be fine. I'll post pics later today, think it came out well.
nikki1971 said:
This is exactly how I found my current stylist :grin: She will be probably be graduating from nursing school in a few years and I will have to find someone else :cool:
lol, now u r back on the lookout. That's how I found all my stylist as well. I am soooo loving this one. She makes my hair feel like silk, and it bounces around when I walk:grin:
Infinite-I tried that! Girl it was a disaster! I saw this chick in the mall, and I was like, "Your hair is pretty...who does it?" I went to her stylist and her stylist was AWFUL...she was brushin wet hair, usin too much heat, very unprofessional...the list goes on. I don't know how ol' girl's hair was holdin up to all that abuse :lol: I haven't seen anyone with bangin hair lately...the last 3 or 4 folks I asked said they had tracks so that didn't help much...but I'll keep my eyes open!

Wow, sorry to hear that:( Just stay on the grind, keep your eyes open...I know in LA, the capitol of superficial there has got to be some bangin' stylists............
So I went to the Dominican lady today, and my hair is great, but the experience was horrible.
No more Dominican blowouts or Dominican stylists for me...I think that was the worst salon experience I've ever had in my LIFE.
I'm too upset to even tell the story right now...I may start a thread about it later.

Thanks to everyone who offered advice!
Sorry to hear that the hair visit didn't work out for you. I hope, you just got a shampoo/style...