I can't do NICE two-strand twists to save my life.


New Member
I love my WNGs, don't get me wrong, but I want something with a little less maintenance from time to time, especially now that I'm in wigs. I have tried twisting my hair on two occasions -- the first made me so frustrated that I BC'd, and, well, here is the second attempt:


it took me soooo long and i just ended up taking them out in the morning cause i was so devastated. what the HECK am i doing wrong? the only way i can get fat gorgeous twists is when i do only 6 of them (my twistout technique). someone please help me.

hey you, the one over there laughing...CAN IT!
I think they look great. SO shiny and healthy looking :yep:

I dunno how people get fat twists. Mine aren't fat either. I think that it may just be that some people have a lot more density than others.

Some people just must be aliens and sprout 15 hairs from each follicle :lol:

That was a joke, in case anyone is feeling a lil sensitive today.
I think they look nice. You could try puting them up in an updo if you dont like the way they hang. But I think they look great.
I agree w/ the ladies you twist looks nice...... How exactly do you want them to look?
So you think they are too thin? If that's so, did you do these on dry or wet hair? For plumper twists, do them on wet hair.
What don't you like about them? They look fine to me. If it's the wiggling you do not like, do what I do. Once I finish doing my twists on dry hair, I get them wet--soaking wet--so that the weight of the water will make them hang straight and then I let them drip dry that way. This also makes the ends shrink and coil around each other so the twists don't unravel:

What don't you like about them? They look fine to me. If it's the wiggling you do not like, do what I do. Once I finish doing my twists on dry hair, I get them wet--soaking wet--so that the weight of the water will make them hang straight and then I let them drip dry that way. This also makes the ends shrink and coil around each other so the twists don't unravel:


Your twist look so good nonie
i think those are too small for your hair texture and density. try doing larger medium sized ones.