I Can't Believe it....

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
...I just did the big cut! I'm a little surprised at myself because I had no intentions of cutting my hair any time soon, but all that has changed!

I think what made me come to the end of myself was when I took out the bun I had in all day. I looked at my two textures and couldn't take any more. I didn't tell my husband that I cut my hair until after it was done. I showed him the hair in my hands and then when he saw my hair he said : "Wow, your hair looks nice shorter. Now, I can't wait to see your true, natural hair. You have beautiful hair, please don't relax anymore." I was so happy to hear that from him. Now I know that I did the right thing.

I'm a natural now....yayyyyyyyyyyyy. I'm doing the natural dance!!!!!1

I will take pics and after awhile, I'll show them to everyone. My camera is on the blink.
Thanks ladies...icing on the cake sure is right. He is more excited than I am!!!!! He keeps giving me a sweet look...hmmmmm.
Congrats! I am so happy for you. It must feel even better to know that your husband supports your decision AND loves your hair. Can't wait to see the pics.

How long did you transition?
congratulation for your big chop and it's great that you have your hubby support, have a nice natural journey!
Yayyyyy!!! You're a natural now!
I'm so happy for you. I was so surprised when I read this. Way to go and best of luck on your new natural journey!!

I can't wait to see those pics!!
NewYorkgyrl said:
Congrats! I am so happy for you. It must feel even better to know that your husband supports your decision AND loves your hair. Can't wait to see the pics.

How long did you transition?

Thanks for your kind words. I transitioned for 15 months.
Pokahontas said:
Yayyyyy!!! You're a natural now!
I'm so happy for you. I was so surprised when I read this. Way to go and best of luck on your new natural journey!!

I can't wait to see those pics!!

Thanks Pokahontas...I knew you would be surprised. After we talked about how BTZ Noodlehead worked so well for you, I went home and made a decision. I'm glad I did. I'm realizing now how much my hair has grown. I tried some twist and my hair is actually on my shoulders, so at least I am able to see my hair at BSL at no time.

Thank you for all your encouragement and support. You are blessing.

Ebonygurl, Soun and Poohbear, thank you for those kind words. Poohbear, your hair is beautful too!
hopeful said:
Congratulations! Your husband sounds so sweet, lucky girl! Looking forward to the pics:).

Thank you. My husband is one of the most loving sweetest, encouraging, blessed man I ever met. I am sooooooooo blessed!

I can't wait to post pics too!
kitchen_tician said:
Congrats!!! Your hair is so pretty! I'm sure it's beautiful!!!

Thank you so much. Coming from you is a definate compliment knowing how beautiful your hair is. The one thing I love about it is that it's so much softer now than before. When I washed it and conditioned it this morning, my hair is laying on my shoulders, so I know by this time next year, I'm looking at BSL.:p
Nice & Wavy said:
Thank you so much. Coming from you is a definate compliment knowing how beautiful your hair is. The one thing I love about it is that it's so much softer now than before. When I washed it and conditioned it this morning, my hair is laying on my shoulders, so I know by this time next year, I'm looking at BSL.:p

Thanks girly!
I can't believe that I never responded to this post. Congratulations on your BC. I hope you love this new phase in your hair journey. It's especially nice to have support at home. :)

OT: Lovelymissyoli: another fierce photo of your hair, I see! And I know you have a lot more hair than 3-4"!
Cheleigh said:
I can't believe that I never responded to this post. Congratulations on your BC. I hope you love this new phase in your hair journey. It's especially nice to have support at home. :)

OT: Lovelymissyoli: another fierce photo of your hair, I see! And I know you have a lot more hair than 3-4"!

awwwww....thank you. It's always nice when someone congratulates you on a big decision, especially when its your hair.