I came, I lurked, & I finally paid up!

Miss OhLaLa

New Member
Hello LHCF! :hiya2:

Ive been lurking since 2007 and I finally paid up today, Sept. 8, 2009. I really had no idea about hair care despite the fact that my mother is a stylist. I didn't even start doing my own hair until I was 18! :look: (I'll have to blog about this and the relationship between my mother & my hair. Its a sad one. :nono:)

This community motivated me to make positive changes and gave me the knowledge I needed to make the decision to transition. I did the big chop on June 8th, 2009 after a one year and 4 month transition. Shrinkage is a bia' (7-9 inches shrink to about 2-2 1/2 inches) but I love it nonetheless! I am still feeling my way around, about to start experimenting with stretching to have some length. Kinda scared because my hair is so dense and the curl is so small. It could turn into a tangled disaster. Surprisingly, I do not have much tangling. I was scared when I was transitioning because of all the knots I had.

Anywhooo, Its nice to meet all of you and thank you for getting me started on my hair journey! :love2:

Btw, I'll be changing my user name soon. I still dance but that a really dumb name. I was super hardcore in 07. lol
:welcome: to the forum. Congratulation’s on your BC, wishing you a wonderfully successful hair journey!
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Yay!!! :clap: Welcome BellyDancer! :wave:

Glad you finally "paid up"! :grin:

I'm sure you'll enjoy this board, and all of the benefits that come with subscribing.

Welcome to the LHCF family! I wish you well in your hair endeavors.