I bought Coconut Oil. Is this the right kind?


New Member
I went to Meijer looking for coconut oil, looking for the liquid kind actually, and the guy brought me back this stuff call Spectrum Organic Coconut Oil. It's kinda hard I think maybe? It's the solid kind and not liquid. I haven't opened it yet. Can I still use it? I just noticed they have a refined kind and an unrefined kind. I bought the refined which is the kind in the picture. Did I get the wrong kind? Should I go exchange it for the unrefined kind?
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It turns to liquid in warm temps....I like to run mine under hot water for a few minutes.
I have unrefined (which a lot of ladies do), but some say the refined works well for them.
I like to use unrefined because of the chemicals that they use in the refining process. So, if that matters to you, then just exchange it for the unrefined.

Coconut oil is usually solid at room temp, when you put it in your hands it will soften and melt.
unrefined is best!

I like to use mine solidified , its still soft, better control of application than a straight oil

go back and get the unrefined, or even better Extra virgin, its good that that one is Organic, make sure your Extra Virgin is Organic too

dont worry about it being solid , its supposed to do that at room temp and below, its soft and melts into your hands and hair
i can't speak for anyone else, but yep this is the exact same coconut oil that I use (but i'll be sure to get the unrefined version next time). I bought it from the cooking oil section in a grocery store so it's food-grade which means that it's good for ur hair. I use a dab as a daily moisturizer and it softens and smoothes my ends really nicely. I I use it when i am deep conditioning...(apply conditioner, then apply coconut oil to hair). then rinse out and your hair will be so moisturized, soft and smoothe. I even use it as a body lotion, sometimes. I tried using it on my face as a moisturizer cause i was trying to avoid so many chemicals, but i kept getting small bumps though i'm not sure which product is the culprit, but it did leave my face sooooo unbelievably soft. I looooove this product a whole lot!!!
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That's the same one I just got last weekend and I am in love! I got the Extra Virgin at The Vitamin Shoppe unrefined and left it in hot water for maybe 5 minutes and it completely liquefied. I use it as a pre-poo with EO and EVOO and was amazed at how great my hair felt. I also mixed it with my conditioner and with Cantu Shea Butter as a leave in and my hair loved it.
That Coconut oil is okay but the unrefined is waaaaay better. I used that exact one and it doesnt compare to the virgin coconut oil I bought in GNC. It penetrates the hair so much better, it's not greasy, and it strengthens. The refined will give you softness when used in your DC but overall unrefined is better.

i've used different brands as well as refined and unrefined. the scent of unrefined Spectrum CO makes me neauseous. i'm currently using Jarrow brand (it was on sale @ WF).


* Organic Coconut Oil
* Great Source of Healthy MCTs
* 100% Unrefined and Expeller Pressed
* Solvent Free Processing
* Great For Cooking & Baking

What does Coconut Oil do?

Jarrow FORMULAS® Organic Coconut Oil (Cocus nucifera) is expeller-pressed from the dried flesh (copra) of the coconut palm fruit, and does not utilize any solvents in the manufacturing process. Coconut oil is a rich source of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), such as lauric acid (C-12) and caprylic acid (C-8).

Coconut oil is stable even during long periods of storage. Because its melting point is 75-76° F, coconut oil can be used in both liquid or solid forms. Its neutral flavor makes it ideal for use in cooking and baking.

For maximum freshness, best kept refrigerated after opening.
