I bought a cheapo perm today


New Member
I bought the budget perm today Africa's Best ....I couldnt refuse the actual complete relaxer kit came with a full size bonus super hair gro grease for a whopping $4.59 :lachen: Im about to rinse it out now Ill let you ladies know how the perm took and if i hate it ,like it or love it :yep:
I'm anticipating an "I HAD A SETBACK :wallbash:" thread, but good luck.
Maybe it will be just fine...*fingers crossed* I've used super cheapos before, and had to SUPER DOOPER deep condition every night for about 2 weeks...but I didn't go bald...or have tooo much breakage...ermm ok... but that was YEARS ago too...oooh yeah, fingers crossed it'll be juss fine
Sometimes it's not the relaxer but the technique....

She might not have a setback...Folks have setbacks with the expensive stuff as well...
:perplexed good luck....

lol, I immediately had the same thought.....but, I did use cheapo perms for the majority of my relaxing years with no problems...I didn't know any other type of relaxer besides the ones at the BSS existed. I rarely went to the salon for a relaxer growing up.

I now use Phyto because it just leaves my hair so much softer (and costs 12x more :look:). Be sure to update us, OP.
whether cheap or expensive i think you should stick to one relaxer unless you're really planning on switching over to another and will now be using this relaxer from now on... don't just use "bargain of the week relaxers" i.e. i used to use optimum no-lye for years and years... i decided to switch to silk elements lye (very happy i did) but i didn't switch willy nilly i knew i wanted to and did the research... and now i will be sticking w/silk elements lye for the long haul
Im back :) I like the perm results :yep:My hair is bone straight and the conditioner did a good job restoring the moisture back in my hair . I usually use ORS perm but I wanted to try something new because although it left my hair super duper moisturized it didnt give me the amount of straightness I like. My hair usually felt partly straightened when I used ORS .

My hair is definetly bone straight. Im happy and Ill probaly contuinue to use this perm . I would post pics but I swear I do not feel like fiddling with my webcam and hooking it up. Maybe ill do it later when I have some more energy. I got company coming over at 5:00 and I dont even feel like cleaning:ohwell:

I dont go to the salon for my perms anymore :nono: Ive had bad experiences with salons in general. The last two times I felt like a fool parting with my money . One woman put a designer touch perm in my head and my head felt horrible and wasnt straight. The last time I had a woman use a Mizani and failed to see the hype . Ive gotten better results with cheapo home kits.
well, i'm glad to hear that. i just cringe when i hear "cheapo".....but hell, most of the products in my regimen are $5 or under so we're floating in the same boat!
Im a bit disappointed with my hair growth these last two months.I did a 12 week stretch and no matter what it seems like my hair cant or wont grow past my lower shoulder blades. However Ill admit my hair was a tangled up a mess this morning I combed out atleast 2 handfuls of hair just getting the knots out. Ill never do that mess again. It was just too easy for me . In the morning I'd just toss a hat over my head and keep it moving .
ITA with those who stated it is technique more than substance. I used Africa's Best for my last relaxer. It got my hair to the desired level of straightness that I wanted and I didn't experience dryness or any other setbacks. Do whatever works for you!
Im a bit disappointed with my hair growth these last two months.I did a 12 week stretch and no matter what it seems like my hair cant or wont grow past my lower shoulder blades. However Ill admit my hair was a tangled up a mess this morning I combed out atleast 2 handfuls of hair just getting the knots out. Ill never do that mess again. It was just too easy for me . In the morning I'd just toss a hat over my head and keep it moving .

I'm not quick with the gifs, but here's my slow motion shaking my head and waving my hands saying :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::blush::ohwell:

well now you know where your progress went. The next 12 weeks or however long you decide to stretch will be better than the last because you will leave the hat and style your hair, even if its only to moisturize it and put up in a clip or a "no damage" band by Goody's. :yep::yep:
I am glad it worked for you. I use Motions lye relaxer and it is under $5.00 and it has never took my hair out. So I see no problem in using a cheap perm. It is all in the way you apply and rinse.
I'm not quick with the gifs, but here's my slow motion shaking my head and waving my hands saying :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::blush::ohwell:

well now you know where your progress went. The next 12 weeks or however long you decide to stretch will be better than the last because you will leave the hat and style your hair, even if its only to moisturize it and put up in a clip or a "no damage" band by Goody's. :yep::yep:

Great advice ! Im definetly going to take it ! I cant tell you how many days I woke up and just tossed a cute hat over my head ....EVERYDAY!! I didnt even comb it but maybe once a week:look: That's probaly why I can never get my hair past shoulder length!Im going to make a commitment that from now on Im going to wake up and style my hair no matter what. This may be just what I need to kick start this hair growth. I just thank God I havent gotten in a fight cause Lawd If they wouldve flung that hat off :lachen: ....I dont even wanna think about that:blush:
I don't know if Motions Oil Moisturizer Hair Relaxer is being discontinued or if Sally's is no longer carrying it BUT they are selling the 4lb tubs for $10. I bought 2 tubs. My little sisters are always using my hair products so I needed to get the 2. With my 20% off coupon I paid $8 each. :dance7:
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I don't know if Motions Oil Moisturizer is being discontinued or if Sally's is no longer carrying it BUT they are selling the 4lb tubs for $10. I bought 2 tubs. My little sisters are always using my hair products so I needed to get the 2. With my 20% off coupon I paid $8 each. :dance7:

Ppl hate pink lotion on this forum. What is the diffrence between the pink lotion and Motions ? Ive used Motions and I felt like my hair was still not properly moisturized.
It just might turn out great. Sometimes price don't mean anything. Mizani BB Mild tore my hair up! Wiped out my edges and nape in one fell swoop! LOL

I went back to Dark and Lovely and i'm back in business!

I don't know why I switched in the first place. Oh yeah, those lye vs no lye threads.:ohwell:
Ppl hate pink lotion on this forum. What is the diffrence between the pink lotion and Motions ? Ive used Motions and I felt like my hair was still not properly moisturized.

I was referencing the Motions Oil Moisturizer Hair Relaxer. I didn't type relaxer initially, but I can see where the confusion is since the name says Oil Moisturizer. I don't use pink lotion or the Motions hair lotion.
....EVERYDAY!! I didnt even comb it but maybe once a week:look: That's probaly why I can never get my hair past shoulder length!
actually, i only comb/detangle my hair once a week... but in the interim i keep it in buns or braids and don't touch it so it's not getting all tangled up and I sleep with a silk scarf to hold it in place @ night... but if you feel you have to comb during the week just use gentle hands... not everything works for everybody... i'm glad your relaxer came out well
Great advice ! Im definetly going to take it ! I cant tell you how many days I woke up and just tossed a cute hat over my head ....EVERYDAY!! I didnt even comb it but maybe once a week:look: That's probaly why I can never get my hair past shoulder length!Im going to make a commitment that from now on Im going to wake up and style my hair no matter what. This may be just what I need to kick start this hair growth. I just thank God I havent gotten in a fight cause Lawd If they wouldve flung that hat off :lachen: ....I dont even wanna think about that:blush:
you dont even have to style it everyday if you know you dont have time or just not the type to do styles everyday. you can moisturize and seal really well one day and put your hair in a style with your ends up and then that night just tie a scarf around it and the next day just remove the scarf and go. its really all about having your ends up and very moisturized:yep:
My bestie swears by Africa's Best. It's the only perm she will use on her extra extra sensitive scalp. She tells me it's the only perm she has ever used that has never left her with chemical burns on her scalp.