Ms. Martina

Well-Known Member
Some of you might remember that I cut "test patches" in my nape, side, and crown a couple of months ago. If you don't remember, here is the video for that. Well...I've been scissor happy again!. I cut off another rather large portion of hair on the side of my head about two weeks ago!

Yes, it sounds harsh, and I thought it was going to look awful. But guess what...I flat ironed my hair and you can't even tell a huge chunk is missing. I guess having thick hair is a blessing...otherwise I would have been looking like Cassie gone wrong:nono:.

But anyway, I have been wearing it flat ironed since I cut it. I can't fully wash my head for a few days, but I decided to wet/cowash the new "test patch" bc I missed it being curly. And here it is ladies...making it's grand debut on LHCF. All of the pics are in my Fotki album. There is one album full of wet hair pics, and another full of dry hair pics. All photos were taken today...ENJOY!

Oh, also please excuse how unruly my nape area is looking! I did not wet the hair in the back/nape at all today. It is all smashed up bc I slept on it, and didn't wet it before the photos.:blush:

P.S...I will post pics of my hair washed and flat ironed so y'all can see it doesn't look all crazy...lol.:lachen:I will probably do that over the weekend!

Lastly, I don't think I will cut any other "test patches." However, I am more than happy with the ones I have! It feels amazing to have some natural hair to experiment with while transitioning. So quite honestly, I would recommend that curious long term transitioners cut at least one "test patch" (provided they have enough hair to camouflage it).

But anyway, here are the pics!

Click here for pics of my hair wet...

Click here to see what it looks like dry...

Enjoy...Thanks :)
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Yes, I can see the pictures.

Wow! You have some growth there and pretty curlies....You're right; the sides doesn't look bad.
Why don't you just gone ahead and BC :look:? I'd bet it would look stunning. And if you're uncomfortable with short hair just wear a wig
Why don't you just gone ahead and BC :look:? I'd bet it would look stunning. And if you're uncomfortable with short hair just wear a wig

Thanks! I'm too chicken to fully BC now..lol. I've never had hair shorter than BSL. Plus my cheeks are chubby:nono:. I keep telling my husband that I'm afraid to look like Loretta off of the show "Family Guy":blush:

For now I can walk the line and camouflage my short spots. Luckily they still blend in when flat ironed.
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girl ur curlies look CUUUTE! :D
i did the same thing when i was transitioning, sometimes u just want to see what it looks like :yep:
You are being real brave chopping just sections of your hair off:lachen:. I would test it out too but it does look lovely and you will look beautiful. Cant wait for the final result.
Girl, quit playin and cut it off. LOL. You're so funny. I would of never thought of cutting off patches. LOL DONT GET ME STARTED DOING THAT. Oh lawdy! lol
Martina, what would you say your hair type is?

I would say my hair is curly, wavy, a bit shiny, a bit frizzy, and a bit wiry. It is very soft though. The curls on the sides and nape are type 3. They are larger than a drinking straw. Some are even bigger than that. The curls in the crown are what I think to be 3a...maybe 2c. I cut a few curls up there and they seem to be pretty loose and wiry. If I manipulate them they even lose their curl...which sucks. I also have two little areas of what I believe to be 4a. These areas are in the back of my head and just above the nape. They are very defined and smaller curls.
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