I BC'ed 1/4th..lol


New Member
Ok this is kinda calling myself out on this one cuz it is quite embarrassing. I took my braids down on Sunday and washed yesterday to prepare for a fresh set of braids next week. I have about 3 1/4 inches of new growth but I got so frustrated with the stringy relaxed ends that I started to just started to chop off the relaxed hair in the back. My fiance walked in the door and I said, "wanna help?" he looked mad and said "why would i help in something I don't agree with." At that point I felt stupid and really impatient b/c I impusively started to hack away at my hair. It wasn't like I was shaving it bald but just cutting off all the relaxed hair. The thing is that I told him I wouldn't until my natural got a certain length, he has never seen me w. short hair and never wants to. He wants me to have hair down my back like when I was younger. I have no problem with that b/c I want it too. So, needless to say I only cut off the relaxed hair on the back portion of my head. So I am just barely 1/4 natural. I have my hair in two cornrowed extensions to cover the part in the back where I cut off my relaxed ends. it doesn't look terrible but I am ashamed to show my fiance cuz I dont want him to start going off about how I should have waited until my natural hair got at least to the base of my neck. I guess now all I need is some reasurance that what I did wasn't TOTALLY stupid.


**Picz pending until August 31st 2006**
No it wasn't totally stupid. Curiosity about your natural hair will do that sometimes. And you're going bach into braids anyway so you know what you want to do and you just started a lil earlier. I'm not natural but I have lurked around the decision and attempted to transition many times. I'm relaxed but I commend your bravery and support your decision. This will also help you understand your natural tresses better than having to deal with the stringy relaxed part. Grow girl! :)