I BC'd... What a difference a year makes!


Well-Known Member
This time last year I was on my way to BSL. I got pg, had my baby and experienced extreme postpartum shedding and breakage. I could not recover so today I decided to cut it all off! My last relaxer was in Oct.

Dec 09


Sept 10


Dec 10 - Newly natural :grin:

Your BC turned out nice!:yep: I remember dealing with post partem shedding. I went completely bald at my temples. Talk about boo hooing (I was already hormonal). My hair quickly grew back stronger and healthier, and so will yours.:yep:

BTW, Congratulations! Trey is adorable!!!
Well you seem to have a good head shape for a short bc. I would be up a creek if that happened to me. I can't relate to anything "partem" but I have had several friends go through the shedding. Their hair bounced back and looked great! Congrats on your new baby :)
Congrats and wow that postpartum shedding is crazy, I never thought it was that bad (well I wouldn't know) looking forward to you sharing your future natural journey w/ us
Sorry about the postpartum shedding and breakage but... congrats on your BC. I like it. We BC'd days apart (me on 12/12/10).

Thank god the toilet was clean :blush:
LOL @ the toilet! I didn't notice til you said something.

Congrats on your BC!!!!

I've been through the postpartum shedding twice now and it's awful. I lose my hairline everytime.