I BC'd..9 months early!!! Kinda long...*PICS*


Well-Known Member
I BC'd on 3/4/10 after about a 10 month transition. I planned to transition until January 2011 but my little curlies got the best of me :drunk:

A little bit about my story - Just like many I began getting relaxers at an early age around 10, as I got older I started to get them more frequently, every 6 weeks. I've always had what most consider to be long hair and it was always healthy. One thing that frustrated me is that my hair relaxed was never as thick as I knew it could be. So sometime in 2007 I decided to transition. That only lasted 6 months then I relaxed...I felt like a traitor :wallbash: Although I spent a lot of time lurking on the boards (like I still do :grin:) I didn't really apply any of the methods that you ladies used to transition.

From that point all I did was research, research research, I regained the courage and after a relaxer in May of 09 I decided enough was enough and that I would no longer chemically process my hair.

Cowashing, Braidouts and the use of sulfate free shampoos is what saved me. I wanted to have a long transition as I have never had short hair and I wanted to be at least shoulder length before BC'd. That came much earlier than I expected. When I started my transition I stopped using sulfate shampoos because that is what got me the furst time (after a 3 hour detangling session I relaxed a couple days leter) I was determined to not let it stop my napptural dreams again. Co-washing was my best friend and I would use baking soda and water to cleanse. Well one night I was cocky because my transition was soooo smooth I thought I knew what I was doing and I washed my hair..WITH A SULFATE SHAMPOO, my hair tangled so badly I did a mini BC, I think this was around September (I think turning 30 that month made me want to do something bold) my hair at that point had just begun to touch MBL. I wore my hair in a "curly fro" for months and loved it!!! the back 1/3rd of my hair was all natural and I was cutting off a little at a time.

On March 4, 2010 something just came over me, that urge to BC was uncontrolable. I had in crochet braids that were in all of two weeks. I took them down and cut the remaining relaxer off. I then washed it and realized that I had no idea waht to do with it. Since I hadn't planned to BC I didn't have any products that would work.

The next morning I called a natural salon just outside of Atlanta "The Damn Salon" for some two strand twists. The ladies were great and I opted dto go to that salon because I really want some of their signature first experiencing them. So they did some tiny two strand twists that I absolutely adored.

That's my story, sorry for the bad pics hopefully I'll get enough practice in so my next set won't be so bad...lol

about my texture - as far as I can tell I'm 4a, my hair is extremely frizzy and although very curly my curls do not clump together AT ALL, when my hair dries it almost looks as if I lightly blowdried it - no curls at all!!!. Even when wet it's a big curly frizz ball. I've been looking all over but can't seem to find any good info on wash n go's for someone with my texture. If anyone has any good tips please let me know.

Even though I am an EXTREME lurker, you ladies have been such an inspiration for me and for that I want to say a big THANK YOU!!!

PIC 1 - 2007 relaxed there's a late 2007 shot in my profile. I only trimmed once between these shots and late 2008, then no more trims until my mini BC.

PIC 2 - mini BC Sept 2009...sorry for the dirty mirror I didn't intend to have anyone looking at this pic..lol

PIC 3 - my BC 3/4/10

PIC 4 - This is a 3 or 4 day old wash n go, I had it in a puff but had the band off in this pic, this was right before I washed

PIC 5 - Finger coils I did after a failed wash n go


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OMG!!! Girl you have alot of hair, it is so healthy and thick, now go put that puff pic in the puff thread lol!!! How were you styling your hair with all that underneath?
OMG!!! Girl you have alot of hair, it is so healthy and thick, now go put that puff pic in the puff thread lol!!! How were you styling your hair with all that underneath?

Thank you!!! I was wearing it from Sept to March the way it is in the second pic. I used perm rods to style it, letting it dry overnight and wearing it like that for a week at a time.
Thank you ladies for all your comments and kind words. I am so excited about this journey and can't wait till I get to the crazy lengths of some of you other naturals :)
congrats on your bc. thanks for bringing up the sulfate shampoo thing. i wonder if that was causing my severe tangles when i was transitioning. i loved shampooing and every shampoo i own has sulfates. ♥
Your hair is so gorgeous!:yep: I have to get working on some pics for my TWA. Thanks so much for being nice enough to share your journey with us.
Thank you again ladies for all of the encouragement!!! Maybe one of these days I'll come out of lurking and actually post more..lol