I Backslid --- Story of a PJ


Well-Known Member
:cry: Um......

During lunch I went to the beauty supply store to buy S-curl moisturizing spray for my TWA. The store did not have the kind I wanted. I proceded to just look around. I saw a product and I picked it up and read the ingredients: Soy, Safflower, Caster, Coconut, Pistachio, Macadamia. Shea Butter, Cyclomethicone, Protein, Horesetail, Coltsfoot, Nettle, Burdock, Comfry, Rosemary, Coco Butter, Lecithin, Fragrance and Vitamin E.

(Mind you.. Im in the PJ use all you've got challenge.)

I proceded to walk to the counter and I purchased it. As I was walking all I was thinking is what is LHCF going to say. I hung my head low, put my tail between my legs and walked down the aisle of shame to the cashier. um um um.

The product is called Wondergro Shea Butter Hair and Body Lite Oil Mist.

Confession is good for the soul.

Well at least you bought one thing, and it sounds really good, I think you just started something, cause I'm gonna go out and purchase this, those ingredients sound too good to pass by. lol :lol:
Glad to help. It is good to drag someone down with me. The ingrdients are what pulled me in.
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Oh there, there!! Confession is good and I think you did great, you only bought one thing!! I'm A-F-R-A-I-D to go the BSS today...I NEED a few things but I'm itching to try some other stuff....:(
LOL...one day you shall overcome.

I still struggle from time to time....I just bought a $17 paddlebrush from AVEDA that I didn't need. Especially since I already have a paddlebrush that works just fine. :ohwell:

Yes I'm taking it back.:look:
Well sometimes it's just irresistable. I have'nt had an impulse in a while but Albertson's has White Rain shampoo/conditioners on sale this week for $0.69.
Now I've never tried White Rain, have read good things about it, but never got the urge to try it. Well for $0.69 I got the urge and will be purchasing some for my cowashes. It's just $0.69. If I don't like it it won't be much of a loss :look:. If that right there did'nt sound like a p.j. :ohwell: .
shame on you for being a pj!!!! Ya know you really shouldn't blah blah blah....... blaaaaaaaaaaah.................. blah blah blah....

So................. is it any good? :grin: :lol: :lachen: :p
It's great on the skin. I am not to sure about he hair yet. I need to feel it out. It is a light oil ( I relly saturated on damp hair) I have gotten so used to the Surge and products sta sof fro which are more watery.

Nurse98 your hair looks great.

Update: 01/21/06 The morning after. The oil has absorbed and my hair feel great!!!!
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Hey Zeal, I love me some S-Curl for my twa! :D I'm sad that the store did not carry the kind you needed. :(

Well, I hope this Wondergro product works for you...

by the way, is this product liquidity or is it like a lotion??? :scratchch
Poohbear said:
Hey Zeal, I love me some S-Curl for my twa! :D I'm sad that the store did not carry the kind you needed. :(

Well, I hope this Wondergro product works for you...

by the way, is this product liquidity or is it like a lotion??? :scratchch

It is a very light oil. LOL! It is not liquidy or lotiony.:lol: