I am the clay and He is the potter


Well-Known Member
I really feel like God is moving in my life and getting ready to show me all new things. What's happening in my life recently is just the tip of the iceberg....I mean, I can really feel His presence around me. And it just keeps intensifying. Has anyone ever felt this way? Like God is giving you little treats to satisfy a craving before you get to the whole enchilada? I'm trying to stay in prayer and stay focused. I find myself retreating back to things I used to love so long ago. No more listening to what others think I should like, do or be. It's just me and God at this point.

Bought a study Bible not too long ago and it has helped me so much! Getting more of the back history surrounding the text is making my quiet times so much more interesting and I feel connected to what I'm reading.
Praise God for what He's doing in your life. I know it's a beautiful feeling. Hold on to it. Cherish it. BTW what study Bible did you buy?
I really feel like God is moving in my life and getting ready to show me all new things. What's happening in my life recently is just the tip of the iceberg....I mean, I can really feel His presence around me. And it just keeps intensifying. Has anyone ever felt this way? Like God is giving you little treats to satisfy a craving before you get to the whole enchilada? I'm trying to stay in prayer and stay focused. I find myself retreating back to things I used to love so long ago. No more listening to what others think I should like, do or be. It's just me and God at this point.

Bought a study Bible not too long ago and it has helped me so much! Getting more of the back history surrounding the text is making my quiet times so much more interesting and I feel connected to what I'm reading.

Yes, I'm at that place right now. It's an amazing experience, and the more we seek the Lord, the more He will reveal to us.

1 Corinthians 2:9-10

9But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
10But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

It's wonderful to know that God is willing and waiting to reveal those things to us through His Spirit as we spend time alone with Him :).