I am starting over and I need some help......


Well-Known Member
I have been very ill and as a result of the medication and stress. I lost a lot of hair. my hair has gone to touching my shoulders to about 1inch on the majority of my head. I have decided once again that relaxers are not going to work for me until I am healthy again. So I am going to cut my hair dowwn to 1inch all over.

I am going to be using the Wannakee method until my hair can handle braids and the use the crown and glory method.

I was thinking about using the Carol's Daughter products that I have and then use Elucence and Nexxus. Any sugguestions?
I feel your pain meds and stress ruined my skin and effected the rate of growth for my hair. I would probably start all over too if I had noticeable short sections.
I would come up with a easy no fuss hair regime.
I think you should also work on eating healthier because meds are toxic.
Drink lots of water possibly at least half your body weight daily.
Last but not least don't stress too much over the hair it will grow back.
Thank you, am working my diet. I didn't think I needed that much water but it makes since...my skin is very dry. I am going to enjoy rocking my cut.
auntybe said:
Thank you, am working my diet. I didn't think I needed that much water but it makes since...my skin is very dry. I am going to enjoy rocking my cut.

Your welcome. My skin dried out also. I started using pure vitamin e oil along w/a sugar scrub from Trader Joe's which turned my skin around. Yeah have fun with the short cut while you can because your hairs going to grow out b4 you know it. :) Enjoy and record the stages of regrowth in a fotki chica.:)
I'm not sure what your hair type is, but you might consider products by Qhemet biologics instead of Carol's Daughter. The last I read, Carol's had started using more chemicals and synthetics. Qhemet's is mostly natural (except the preservatives) and does a good job of keeping hair soft and moist.