:::I am SOOOOOO Happy::


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I got me some MSM 1mg pills and EPO 1mg from walmart the Spring Valley kind.

Does anyone use these?
What are your results?

I am goin start monday, and I want to know what to expect!!!
Since I've been taking MSM I have been able to go from 8-10 weeks post relaxer to longer than 14 weeks. My new growth comes in so soft, shiny and manageable that I just don't have to re-touch as often. Initially, I did experience the skin tingling/crawling thing. Just drink plenty of water with it and take some form of vitamin C with it. I would suggest that you read the other posts on MSM, ask a pharmacist, and do some research on MSM just to be sure that it's right for you. Enjoy your results!
well i only have one bottle I will try it out for a month and if it doesnt suit me i will discontinue use.
How much msm should you take? If I am not mistaken dosages mentioned were 1000mg. I am not sure. Does anyone know how much you need to take to see affects. I am going to get my msm this weekend!