i am so sick....


Well-Known Member
of this guy at work trying to tell me that im not natural because i use products in my hair. how stupid is that????
and then what really makes me mad is that hes not asking me as if he really wants to know what makes someone natural, he is telling me in this know it all way.
he is the type of person that feels like he knows it all. but i would figure that its common sence that you have to use some sort of product in your hair. he keeps asking me if im getting locks as if thats the only way to be natural. and the gotcha is that my best friend has locks and she uses all types of products in her hair. from brown gel to HE LTR conditioner. so i dont understand his point. how would i wash my hair without product?

it just pisses me off because he is trying to tell me that i am not what and who i say i am. as if his way and word is the right way.
maybe he's just trying to get under your skin because he like you...there is no reason for him to vare that much about your hair unless that was the case.
That's weird that he's so vocal about your hair.

Just tell him it's your hair and you don't want to have the conversation with him anymore.
Have you guys seen that movie "He's Just Not That Into You?" (doesn't have anything to do with what I have to say but I think it's funny that the others are saying he likes you)

Sounds to me like this guy is trying to get under your skin and you are letting him. Tell him that he has a right to his opinion and you have the right to disagree. Then don't discuss the issue with him anymore.
awww sorry He's being such a behind. Does his opinion matter? Please keep your head up and avoid conversations that have to do with your hair with him. He will never get it.
Tell him to kick rocks! He sounds like he doesn't like you and is trying to piss you off. Do you have a higher or more desirable position than him? Give him the side eye and keep it moving.
If I were you I would ask him if that means that white girls aren't natural either since they use product in their hair too.
thanx ladies.
i wish i could say it has something to do with me but i cant, he is like that with everyone. im not sure if he does it on purpose because he is a very likable person but he just thinks he knows it all and sometimes he puts people on the spot.